Monday, January 17, 2011

Howlong Does Take Get Mouth Cancer

Devils their own and not very

We all - Pushkin "Demons"

Blizzard angry blizzard crying;
Coney sensitive snore;
That's really far away he gallops;
Only eyes in the darkness lit;
Coney again dashed;
Bell din-din-din ...
I see: the spirits gathered
whitening Amid the plains.
endless, ugly,
In the murky game of the month
whirling devils different,
As if the leaves in November ... How
them! where they were persecuted?
With so plaintively sing?
Brownie is buried,
Witch eh marriage issue?
rushing clouds hovering clouds;
moon lights the snow is flying;
dull sky, night troubled.
rushing demons swarm over a swarm of
In the boundless heights,
squeals and plaintive howl
straining my heart ...

At sunset of the Roman Empire obsession demons was widespread belief, this tells us is not one episode of the Gospel. As he Evangielie Mark 1:23-26 and the Gospel of Matthew (12.22): "Then was brought unto Him demon-possessed blind and dumb: and he healed him, so blind and dumb to speak and see. "Also in the Gospel describes how Jesus healed very obsessive living in coffins, and escaping from the demons at the command of Jesus who came in and killed a herd of pigs, and the power of demons over men stopped.
Rites of Exorcism in Judaism and Christianity began to develop around the same time. It was one thing, but an important difference: in the Christian rite often carried the bishop with the reading of the special prayers and with the help of gestures, icons and relics. In Judaism izgnatel in order to induce an evil spirit to leave, should join with him in a long and difficult negotiations.
This unique feature of Jewish worship is rooted in the conviction that dibbuk (un) is dispensable soul of a sinner whose misdeeds in life do not give him or her to get into Hell - On the interchange station of purification and absolution, after which the soul may eventually prevent and to heaven. Difficult task of Jewish exorcist - to identify demon reveal the nature of its earthly sins, and to agree on acceptable terms on which the devil will agree to leave the body, they are obsessed. Thus the Jewish exorcist not only eases the suffering of the victim, but also acts as counsel of the devil, usually providing him getting into Hell and the subsequent redemption. The ritual prescribes read the Bible verses backwards, blowing the shofar and repeat tsey, tsey, dybbuk!
In rabbinic classics full of not only the amazing variety of demons, but also laws, customs, spells and charms designed to protect them. Expression keyn ayin horeh ("pax") today is familiar to even the most uneducated Jews, and all children former in their time of the Soviet.

Jewish texts and themes: - Christian expulsion of demons.


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