Saturday, March 1, 2008

How Much Juice Can You Extract From A Carrot

shalalala ... u_u

But how good I am, _,! Place after one week ... Ah, do not happen again U_U!

Title: caught red-handed
Fandom: Tokio Hotel
Torque: tom / bill
Prompt: 077. Why?
Rating: PG13 - in the second chapter. XD

"It is a misconception. "Repeated Tom slowly, staring at a point indefinitely near to the manager: he never looked in his eyes when a person was nervous, and soon but sure, at that time it was a lot.
"A misunderstanding? "Echoed David, astonished. "You tripped and your tongue is stuck in your mouth to your brother?! "
" David, I said it was a misunderstanding, not an accident . "Pointed out the blonde with a sigh, seeing the corners of the eyes of Bill fixed upon him: his face was twisted in a grimace, a sign that he too can not wait to hear the explanation for Tom, and by the way where his brown eyes were glued to him, seemed to have every intention of killing him as soon as possible. "God, we were drunk ..."
"Drunk?! "Interrupted the manager, yelling. "Drunk? All the staff dell'IndoChine knows that if you leave out of there with a drop of alcohol in the body too, will the pain of hell "did not finish the sentence, between a headache and another, David had found time to put two and two. "Because you're gone all'IndoChine, true?"
"No, we did not go all'IndoChine. "Muttered Tom, thinking that much, now, things could not get any worse. "We have been in Sankt Pauli. "
" A Sankt Pauli ... You are the morons. "Murmured the man, adding the information to the general picture: a trip to the German district of destruction was just what was missing to complete the puzzle. "What the hell were you drunk? "
" Enough. "Said the elder brother did not consider it appropriate to specify that, indeed, was still doing the deal with the effects of alcohol.
"Pretty-quan" David froze, her eyes, which were fixed on Tom, moved quickly on the Kaulitz. "Bill, please. 'Then cried, his voice pleading. "Tell me, for heaven's sake, that under the covers ports boxers. "
" Yes, David. "Said the dark dried. "You see? "
"No! "Promptly denied the manager, more so because the situation was dire enough for that confidence in Bill: seeing him naked in front of it was really the last thing he needed.
"David and reasons. "Tom broke in again, trying to change the subject. "You're raising a big fuss for nothing ..."
"Tom, look for even a nanosecond to defrost the brain from the vodka. "Sighed the man, pledging not to give completely crazy. "You have been caught by paparazzi in what will probably be one of the scandals over the next rough times. You seem a little? "
" Neghiamolo. "Proposed the blonde with a shrug. "There's a lot of people who claims to be us, because this time be any different? "
'Cause this time we have proof. Shit, look at the photo: you see the fucking tattoo on the arm of Bill, I find it a coincidence? Or perhaps you think that the paparazzi have not found any witnesses? "Asked the manager looked up to heaven. "Be realistic, Tom. "
" I do not want to be realistic, slutty whore! "Tom snapped, beginning to lose patience hated not having control of the situation. "Once! We should not get married, Christ, is a successful fucking time! Inventiamoci some shit: a bet, a threat, anything! "
" Excuse me. "Interrupted Bill, nervous as he stood up in a hurry out of bed and sped to the door of the bathroom in the hotel room, banging forcefully once came in and locked.
"We're fucked. "Concluded David, realizing that for the moment the debate was over there, probably because Bill would spend the rest of the morning on the toilet bowl in memory of the stunt the night before.
The manager sighed, leaving the room and thanking whatever gods there in heaven in having established that Bill, in fact, was wearing boxer shorts and in the meantime, Tom, puzzled, was wondering when he had time to re-shoving.

'Bill? "Tom called out, approaching the entrance to the bathroom.
"Eh. "Muttered the other side brother.
"Are you okay? She asked concerned the blond, leaning against the door.
"Yes," he muttered in response, the dark, not adding more.
an eternity passed before either of you decide to break the silence, and the first to return to speak was Tom: at the expense of the proverbial manic Bill, in fact, the first one to give up in times of nervousness was usually just the larger twin. They were both stubborn, but when it came of stubbornness, Bill was able to quit sulking and a total silence for hours, if necessary: consequently dominated by the big brother syndrome, was what Tom had to break the deadlock.
The blond knew perfectly well that every time Bill got drunk, he needed at least a quarter of an hour in the company closed in the bathroom cabinet to recover, and then merely to wait smaltisse, at least in a reasonable manner, the hangover: started However, to become uneasy when, after yet another look at the digital clock on his desk, he found it had been nearly three quarters of an hour when his brother was in the bathroom and armored, to think well, do not flush the toilet had not heard even once.
'Bill? 'He called again, the concern evident in the voice now.
"Eh. "Said again the other, while the other side of the door's brother pulled a silent sigh of relief at the fact that he was still alive.
"What's wrong? "Asked the blond, going to rest your hand on the door handle, hoping, incorrectly, that the twin had decided to open.
"Nothing. "Bill said, biting his lip: he had slumped in front of the door, waiting for Tom's talk. It was an outright lie, Bill biting his lip only two occasions: in the event that was going to cry, or one in which he had just said bullshit. In that situation, he observed Tom, it was probably for both reasons.
"Why? "Was the dark, this time to ask the question, his voice trembling to the point that barely managed to cross the wood.
"Why, Tomi? "He repeated, to a lack of response of his brother, even more hesitant. "Why do not you care about us? "
" Bill, are you stupid or what? "Tom was a real blow to the heart. How on earth could even the slightest thought such a thing?
"Why should I be stupid? " piqued said the child. "I am not what I told David that was a misunderstanding. "
'Bill. "The blond could not believe his ears: Bill was angry with him for having denied. "Do you realize I have not said what I said because I wanted? We went through just for a tiny moment the idea that has done for us? "
" For what, Tom? They have seen us, right? Might as well admit at this point. 'He muttered, refusing to satisfy the claims of his brother.
"Is that why you fool, Bill. "Sighed Tom, his blood was boiling in his veins. "You do not care for the consequences? Not is just the career is something illegal, fuck. Do you really want to spend the next fifteen years of your life locked in prison? "
" Yes I would spend a hundred, if I were with you! "Bill said, his voice rising. "Where is the story of ' together forever, Tom? If you had told me that they were all crap, now I would not be locked in the toilet of a hotel to cry! "
" You know that's not the point! "Tom countered, in turn raising the volume to catch up with his brother. "I'm not going to spend the rest of my life in prison if a dickhead decided that any criminal offense is to love a person, that it my fault?! "
" The same that I have, Tom. "Said the dark seriously. "The difference is that you yourself that you're doing something wrong, now. "
" I'm doing something wrong, I'm just trying to make you understand that we can not go around trumpeting from the rooftops. "Said the blonde, in an effort largely impossible to put a bit 'of salt to his brother. "You're not the only victim in here, Bill, you know. "
" How could I not know? You're reproaching the fact that if it were not for you who heroically saved the immolation, I would be locked up in solitary confinement. "Bill said sarcastically, not not even finding the strength to scream.
"I see you're so convinced you are right not even take into account the fact that maybe I did just to make you wrong? "Asked Tom, as he stood up. "I'm going to talk to David. See to grow a little, 'you. "
" Fuck. "Muttered Bill, once heard the bedroom door close. Snuggle up even more against the door, her legs close to his chest, rested her head on her knees with a sigh, because things were going to hell just when it seemed that everything was perfect, because people continue to meddle in their private affairs, and why, although he knew that Tom was right at the bottom, could not help but think that Tom does not care about him?
The head was spinning, and the rest of his thoughts was a mass of disconnected and incoherent words between them, began to cry as he had never done in his life, and black with tears running down her legs, the only question did not want to leave him alone because he was .


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