Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Baton Rouge Cruising Spots

mwhahaha! = Ç =

E. .. three \u0026lt;3! XD

Title: caught red-handed (third chapter)
Fandom: Tokio Hotel
Torque: tom / bill
Prompt: 001. Start
Rating: PG-13 ... u_u "

Tom sighed for the umpteenth time, the hand in mid-air, clenched in a fist, a little less than twenty centimeters away from the door: it was a good half hour that lifted and lowered intermittently, taking a long series of deep breaths to keep calm, but could not find the courage to knock. With an exasperated snort, he let himself go and, in a reflex, a head banged hard against the solid wood, then retreating after a nanosecond.
"Shit, shit, shit ," swore over and over again mentally, holding his head in his hands and feeling freeze the blood in the veins.
was officially in total panic: had not the slightest idea of how to succeed in calming and David, judging from the curses that are discourteous closer and closer, we felt that the manager really had a devil hair. He had every intention of turning on his heel and run wildly through the corridors, but for some reason, his feet would not move out.
"What is it? "Breathed the dried manager, opening the door and face to face with none other than that one of the reasons why he was risking dismissal, jail for complicity in illegal acts and, last but not least, the depletion nervous. "Let me guess. Did you find some other excuse that is neither in heaven nor on earth? "
Not bad for being only the beginning of the conversation.

"Are you kidding? "The grim glances that trimming David earned excellently in response.
"The offices of the Universal are making a fool: there's millions of e-mails and calls asking for explanations. In Berlin, the office is attacked by fans and paparazzi, and God only knows how we'll handle it. "The manager summed up the situation with patience. "It's not a joke, Tom. They are seriously considering to break up the band: they are desperate , my goodness. "
" They can not do it, damn it! "Tom sprang up, pushing back the chair he was sitting up and beginning to go back and forth across the room. "Not now. Not after everything we've done to become famous. They can not break up, they can not! "
" The point is that they can, they do. "David said, contradicting the outburst of eighteen. "You are one of the largest sources of revenue for Universal, and no one puts it beyond doubt. But for this, when you do some shit, the consequences are a hundredfold: and the leaders have no intention of sacrificing the integrity of all the premises of the European offices because of fan Assatanate. " concluded with pragmatism.
"No. They can not do. "Repeated the stubborn boy, tracing the perimeter of the room with so much vigor that it seemed only a matter of moments before it formed a hole in the floor. "They can not. Think of something, damn, you're our manager! "
" Do you think you have not already done? "Asked the manager, visibly annoyed by the lack of respect for Tom. "Dave and Peter are doing somersaults in Berlin: they are trying everything to get them to fix a press release. You are not the only ones risking their jobs, and for me, I have no intention of becoming unemployed your fault. "
Tom seemed somewhat reassured and stopped torturing carpet floors as David was a hysterical asshole materialistic and superficial, was undoubtedly a good manager. He would cut his hand in order to keep up the band, and frankly, the fact that he did more for him than for them did not have all that amount: the end (maybe very bottom), he too was fond of in its own way to the boys, and had no intention to divide them.
"Thank you. "Muttered Tom in a tone of voice so low that David was not even sure he had heard.
"Thanks a shit, do not do it for you four brats. "Insisted the manager. "I do For my work, "the sentence was interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone. Although the situation would cause the nerves on edge, the first notes of You made me believe in magic of Bed & Breakfast, Tom could not suppress a grin, quickly silenced by the menacing look of David.
The call lasted just over a couple of minutes, but Tom's eyes seemed to spend thousands of years: the fact that the conversation consisted almost a monologue done by anyone on the other side of the handset, moreover, made it even more agonizing. David had not bothered to make even a nod to let him know that things were going well ( relatively well, in other words) and a few moans and assents scappatigli certainly not enough to comfort him. When David hung up with a ok, thank you, hello , he noticed that Tom was staring at him with a look so decided that could easily pierce through and through.
"You have a press release. Tomorrow afternoon at three. "He said simply, while Tom indulged in a sigh that he had not even noticed to hold.
David did not have time to say more, because a second after the announcement, Tom had already jumped out of the room like a flash, slamming the door behind him and leaving the manager to ruminate on what had actually trust what the guitarist had in mind.

"... Tom did not love me anymore ..." piped Bill, her voice still shaken by the tears that show no sign of stop down, when he heard the call recipient to answer.
"You're an idiot. "Said the person on the other side of the receiver, without beating about the bush. "Tom is fucking obsessed from you, and the only reason that could stop morirti back is attached with a brain injury amnesia. And I'm not even sure that we succeed in that case. "
" He said to David, who last night was a misunderstanding. "Murmured the dark, resting his head on the tiled bathroom and spend does not hit until you lose your senses, to wake up and discover that he had dreamed it all. "She told him that was only because we were drunk. She told him that will not happen again ... "
" Bill, you're freaking out? He asked incredulously another. "What had to tell him that you are together for three years, which swept four times a week and probably spend the rest of their lives together? David said that he believed in that crap, do not you . "
" think like him. "Bill sniffed, with a sob. "And the fool that I am always wrong. "
" There is no need to be stupid, but now admit to being wrong. You can not blame Tom if he will let the world know that you have an affair with his twin brother. Not a question of reputation or otherwise, it is because you are already fairly targeted by journalists. Not to mention that both would end up in prison for God knows what. "
" At least in prison would stop breaking my balls in each step we take. "Sighed the dark.
"Yes, because obviously you would have to share a double suite. "Replied the other as if it were the most logical thing in the world. "Accused of incestuous relationship, surely you would end up side by side. "
"Andi, you're bad. "Protested Bill, still trying to be right.
"It happens. "He replied with a careless tone. "Bill, seriously, talk to him, and I intend to talk face to face, so stop making the victim and exit the process. "
Andreas was the best friend of Bill and Tom for a lifetime, and knew exactly how to handle such situations: it was the only person in the world, as well as their parents, who could bear those two without feeling the irresistible impulse to kill them in the most bloody and painful as possible. He had spent a dozen years to attend the arguments of the twins, and that meant a lot: the two were using any excuse to fight, and were so stubborn that their bickering went on for hours and hours before one gave way. As if it were not enough, three years in that part had become too involved to reconcile the quarrel by sweethearts: they were so many times that the Bill had thrown him out of bed at three in the morning, hysterical, complaining that Tom had not returned home that he had given up keeping track. It was the only person in the world that the twins trusted blindly, and was also the only person who knew of their in short, to two hours earlier, when the news had swept up all the papers.
"And another thing, Bill. "He continued after a moment of reflection. "I'm ten. "
" ... And then? "Asked the puzzled dark, now the tears had stopped falling.
"In an hour will be eleven. "Said Andreas, the voice of those who seemed to have just had a mystical revelation of the century.
"... And then? "Bill asked again, thinking that his friend was starting to go crazy.
"God, Bill, do you move the wheels! "Snorted in exasperation. "Your mom goes to eleven to buy a newspaper. "
" ... "Bill gasped a couple of times before finding the right word. "... Oh, fuck. "
" Oh, yeah. You see to think of something, when you call screaming like crazy. "
" Think Again ... Tomi and I will already be reconciled in an hour. "Bill muttered, trying not to think about the reaction of the mother. "Ah ... Andi? "
" What? "This time it was his turn to ask.
"Thank you. "Muttered the dark, outlining a half-smile.
"business as usual. "Chuckled Andreas, hanging up.
Taking a deep breath, Bill decided to leave the bathroom, glancing at my watch, which marked ten ten. Lacked fifty minutes to those that provide was the beginning of the end.


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