Sunday, February 24, 2008

Feminine Napkins Cause Rash

A-ha. * * Back from oblivion

I hate school, mind you. I'm stressed. XD

Title: caught red-handed
Fandom: Tokio Hotel
Torque: tom / bill
Prompt: 077. what?
Rating: PG13 - at least, the first chapter. For others, we'll see.

Hamburg night offered, without a doubt, a wide range of alternatives to spend a sleepless night worthy of mention. One of the most popular choices by teenagers, and not only fell on the classic walk in Sankt Pauli: between strip clubs, sex shops and brothels, it was mathematically impossible to return home the next morning without something to tell your friends.

David would surely have tied them to a pole and whipped until their death, if he knew who had set foot in the Reeperbahn, the manager was categorical in regulating the output of the boys: they had the weekend completely at their disposal, provided the evening remained near the recommended area of Hamburg. At that moment, in fact, the Kaulitz twins should have been a hypothetical party all'IndoChine club: a typical small party of VIPs in the name of caviar and champagne, so to speak. After many entreaties, had convinced David to let them go to the party alone: between coaxing and pleading to the protests of Bill Tom, had been unable to say no to them. And that was why, instead, at that time, Bill and Tom were coming back from the entry of a nightclub that led to the Grosse Freiheit, laughing like crazy: was almost five in the morning, and the road was practically deserted. Tom, that between the two was that better tolerate alcohol, had pledged to support his brother who, by contrast, was completely drunk, you could tell by the way without any restraint squealed when the arm of the other that the holding on for life slipped dangerously down. On the other hand, even the larger twin was so healthy as he wanted to see: If it was, surely would have told him to stop playing the demure schoolgirl and make a spectacle in a public place.
When they succeeded, with many difficulties, to get the Cadillac of Tom, the fair had opened the door and had almost knocked the front seat of his brother who, in response, had been dropped without reply, before grabbing the collar of the extra-large t-shirt and pull it toward you with the intention of sinking the lips on those of 'one with all the strength he had left: they were separated only when, minutes later, they had the need to breathe again. Still panting, Tom had broken away from his brother to reach his seat: Then, he put the car in motion and had returned to the hotel, as usual.

Waking up at eight in the morning was in second place in the top ten of the most hated in the world by Tom Kaulitz. Especially if it was Sunday morning, especially if he had fallen asleep for just two hours, especially if he had to deal, once raised, with the aftermath of an impending hangover. It followed that it was not easy at all pleased with his awakening, and dick, dickhead quell'emerita who was beating up on the door of the hotel room and seemed determined to break through?
"Tom Kaulitz! "The voice bellowed through the solid wood door," Open this fucking door immediately before the throw down to strength! "
With his mind still clouded, the blond was able to identify the voice as belonging to none other than David Jost, who won the prize for the best break-balls in 2008 and all years to come. She got up reluctantly from the bed, pushing the enterprise arm of Bill, clinging to her, did not want to secede, and, putting on the first t-shirt that he had found scattered through the room, walked to the door. He made time to open the manager, in a rage, had already entered and was screaming nonsense left and right.
"David? She tried to draw attention to the age of eighteen, but his voice was completely dominated by the cries of the other that did not want to stop.
"Tom, tell me that this is another damn shit set up by paparazzi! Tell me that has nothing to do and nothing happened! "David, in disconnected phrases and seemingly inconclusive, he began to do up and down the room with a frantic pace, waving a newspaper with all his might.
Meanwhile, the confusion brought into the room from the manager had managed to pierce the REM stage of Bill, which, among grumbling meaningless and clumsy movements, was sitting on the bed, with a yawn, he had rubbed his eyes, before going to fix David, in an attitude worthy of a mental patient suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, and then Tom, who had paid her puzzled look with equally bewildered look.
"You! "Suddenly cried the manager, pointing the finger at Bill, as if he had only noticed at the time of his actual presence, and maybe it was just like" Bill, heck, at least you! Have the decency to tell me that they are all crap! "The twins exchanged
yet another look dumbfounded" David. "Tom was the first to have the courage to face him," If, for the sacred love of heaven, we explain what happened. "
" This! "David threw the newspaper on the bed in a bad way, the pressure now to the stars" This has happened! "
Bill, still trying to fully activate your mental functions, extended an arm to grab the newspaper when he was in his hands, suddenly, drowsiness passed suddenly. If Tom had hoped that his brother was an advocate of good news to give him the confirmation of the now mentally unstable by David and his overwhelming paranoia that any articles in the press, had to change his mind at the sight of his face.
"Oh, fuck. "Was all that came forth from the lips of the dark, after an interminable silence.
"But that will never be so shocking? "Tom asked in a loud voice, irritated beyond belief now, approaching the bed and tore from the hands of the sister magazine. The gesture was followed by another interminable ed imbarazzante silenzio, rotto dai borbottii di Tom stesso « No, non รจ possibile. »
Sulla copertina, in bella vista, una foto altamente compromettente faceva la sua porca figura: Bill, bellamente seduto sul sedile anteriore della Cadillac, con un braccio stretto al colletto della t-shirt del fratello e l’altro avvinghiato al suo collo, bocca a bocca (e, da quel che la foto lasciava ad intendere, probabilmente anche lingua a lingua ) con Tom, che pareva molto indaffarato a darsi da fare con il biondo, il quale, a sua volta, non sembrava affatto infastidito; le mani sul bacino dell’altro, anzi, sembravano voler dimostrare tutto il contrario. Evidentemente non convinti che la foto would make enough to take her there, in the bottom right, a caption with a sleazy attempt to joke about "Siamese twins" with consequent invitation to browse through the newspaper to find out more.
"So? "Interjected David, who, truth be told, he had expected a reaction far more chaotic that gave Tom's crazy, shouting that the defamation was a criminal offense, and Bill commented on the success of montage would have been infinitely more comforting to their total lack of words "What we want to tell me it's all a mistake? You want me to take a heart attack? "The
another exchange of glances between the twins only served to make exponentially increase the nervousness of the manager. Bill, swallowing, tried to find the right words, "Listen, David ... ... I mean, we ..."
"David, in fact. "Snapped Tom, interrupting his brother mutters" Sorry it happened, but it's all just a misunderstanding. "
" What! "Bill and David shouted simultaneously, staring wide-eyed.


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