Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Doug Kaufmann Antifungal

[Evil] DC Comics, The Finish Line

Title: The Finish Line
Fandom: DC Comics - Lovvoverse
Beta: [info] namidayume
Prompt: selfishness [ tab! ]
Characters: Helena Kyle , Josh Mardon ; appointed Jim Kuttler , Thomas Blake Jr., Lena Luthor and Selina Kyle.
Pairing: Josh / Helena
Rating: Pg13
Word Count: 1463 (FDP)
Warnings: colorful language? Angst to handle.
Disclaimer: The characters of the story property of their respective owners and creators, who hold the rights. Nothing is written for profit.
• Written for the birthday [info] danssslemetro . ♥
• Set in [info] lovvoverse , immediately after the entry of Jim nell'Injustice League. • Title
homonymous song Snow Patrol.

There is no way to shake off the feeling that simply is not enough love.


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