Monday, January 12, 2009

Gay Meeting Places In Weymouth

who no see-w-

Pft * LJ * dusts the CIA, back a bit 'to complete the bdt T_T

Title: stay beautiful (chapter o1)
Fandom: Tokio Hotel (feat. Jonas Brothers)
Torque: bill / tom (after many vicissitudes)
Prompt: O25. strangers.
Rating: PG-13 for now.

"Joe, Joe! "Nick yelled, opening the door of the dressing room, far too agitated than usual," You do not have the slightest idea what I saw! "
" From the way shouts, "muttered Joe, great magnificence on the couch and too busy with pressing the buttons on the joystick rush to give the PSP really listen to his younger brother," It might be a pair of Converse that yet. "
'A-ha," he laughed sarcastically, "You're totally off track. You'll never guess who is backstage! "
" Ok, not guess who's ever backstage, "agreed her brother with air idiotic, completely absorbed in miniscreen console.
"I Tokio Hotel! "Shouted the curl, which was no longer in the skin," There are Tokio Hotel! "
" I'm happy for you, Nicho ... "The sentence was interrupted when the words of Nick's get straight to the brain, and Joe got the first look, now shocked, to her brother, making escape from the hands of the PSP, which managed to riagguantare before it ended on the ground, "Good heavens, you're kidding. "
" I'm not kidding, you idiot! "The lesser of two shook his head vigorously, waving and gesticulating and pointing to the corridor to emphasize the veracity of his explanation," I'm down the hall, I saw them! "
" No, I do not believe, " gasped Joe, rising suddenly from the sofa, abandoning the console and jumping up in his usual clumsy manner, not simply overturning the will of fate, "Tokio Hotel are here ? "Nick grabbed my arm and jumped out of the dressing room trascinandoselo behind, while on the screen of the PSP, which has remained on the couch, blinks Game Over.

If, up to a moment before, the euphoria was Nick, who at least had the decency to enter the dressing room before going to squeal shrilly, now Joe was well thought of sharing with the whole backstage la sua eccitazione, continuando a ripetere a voce troppo alta per non essere sentita da tutti “ I Tokio Hotel, i Tokio Hotel ”, incurante di essere guardato male da tutti i membri dello staff che li incrociavano. The younger brother every now and then tried to escape the grip with which the other had his arm tight, in vain, and after quite a number of escape attempts, sadly, he simply dragged along the walls to be mo 'Mission: Impossible .
arrived at the corner where Nick had assured to have seen them, Joe leaned his head to check and see, a little more than a few feet away, by none other than Bill Tom Kaulitz in person and talking animatedly with a brown-haired girl moved in short, Bill was the only one, strange but true, those seriously looking to start a conversation, Tom, meanwhile, had not lost a single second to show off his English vocabulary in an attempt to make cascamorto with the brunette and, probably, that they could take to bed after the show: she, on the other hand, it does not seem at all displeased. Nick, who had risen on tiptoe, and had his head leaning over to his brother to see something, wrinkled her nose at the scene.
"With all due respect, Nicholas," whispered Joe, watching two and carefully avoiding looking at the brother, "Your ex is really a goose. "
" Fuck, "he hissed, pulling a slap on the neck," made his will. "
" Ouch! "Wailed the elder, rubbing his hand over his head.
"Shut up," admonished the curl, protruding over your head and leaning even more on Joe, "I do not hear what they say! "
In response, Joe leaned a bit ' in turn, taking advantage of the movement to pull " accidentally" elbowed another one: that was the beginning of a battle to the sound of slaps and elbows, which ended, inevitably, to make them completely off balance. The first to lose his balance was greater than before tumbling to the ground, managed to find time to cling to his brother in hope, of course, utopian, to stand up: Nick, in fact, collapsed after a second, directly above him.
"Nick, you're heavy, arise! "Joe yelled, crushed to the ground under the weight of his younger brother, while the other three had turned to them and they looked rather puzzled.
"Joseph, Nicholas? The girl asked, arching an eyebrow, perplexed, in the background, Tom whispered something in his ear giggling twin.
"Um, here ..." muttered Nick, standing awkwardly on his brother on all fours and sedendoglisi above, "Good evening, Miley. "
" What were you doing, pray? 'She asked innocently, blinking eyelashes.
"Hey, beauty, quiet," snapped the other brother, putting the elbows on the ground, "We were not spying on you, we were watching them . "
" Great, Joe, "sighed the curl raising his eyes to heaven and finally getting to his feet, not before giving him a final slap shot in the head.
"Oh, well, if so," he concluded haughty Miley, turning heels, "I leave you to your talk" by men. " "
passed by the twins, the escaped a coquettish squeak in response a wink to Tom and after a chirped " Hello, boys " turned the corner and disappeared.
"We ... We did not want to disturb," Nick apologized, embarrassed by passing his hand through his curls and scratching his head, "Nick, Nick Jonas. Pleasure. "
" Bill and Tom, "replied the kindly dark twin data, such as himself and then his brother, still chuckling.
"twins of Tokio Hotel, you know! "Joe, in the meantime had raised and had been reassembled, broke in the euphoric speech, shaking hands with the two enthusiastically, "I'm Joe Jonas, the cute brother! "
" Jonas? "Repeated Bill, reflecting, and Joe did not want to stop to shake his hand," You're not that band ... The Jonas Brother ... ? He asked, uncertain.
'Oh my goodness, "Nick gasped, staring at the two German air ecstatic," Tokio Hotel know who we are. "
" Nick, "sighed the elder brother, covering eyes with his hand in melodramatic expression, in an attempt to appear a serious person, when in fact all that was passing through my head was that he would never, never washed his hand with which he had close that of Bill Kaulitz, "Please, do not drool. "
" Joe! "Cried the little one, suddenly flushing," I just wanted to say that ... "
" Ten minutes and you go on the air, quick! "Interrupted them a staff member who was passing by, urging them to go and take a seat.
"Well, see you after the show? Asked Bill, shut his eyes twin, who seemed highly amused embarrassment in front of the youngest Jonas, " Viel Glück! "
The two Americans looked at each excited," All right ... Good luck for the awards! 'Without even passing by on, Joe and Nick shot up to the study, so rev up that neither of them knew exactly how that had to have so much self-control not to scream to get down the aisles. Neither

Joe or Nick seemed to have the intention to seriously follow the awards ceremony of the VMAs, and suffer the consequences was Kevin, the only interested party, which he found himself sitting between the two and had already sipped half an hour of talks about Tokio Hotel.
"I swear! "Joe said gesturing, while Kevin looked up to heaven, not at all intrigued," It has become burgundy! "
" Joe, stop it, "Nick moaned, stepping over the leg of Kevin to his knees to give a kick to the other groped brother.
"But it's true," laughed the other, moving the legs just enough to escape to the smallest, "It was like a twelve year old to his first crush! "
" Stop doing the jerk, "he whispered, shaking his leg to Joe.
"I'm sorry to divert the conversation," Kevin interrupted impatiently, spreading his arms and unceremoniously dividing his younger brothers with a hand over her mouth to silence them both, "But you are not the only ones who speak ill of us. "
" Mh? "Mutter the other two, turning simultaneously towards the stage, where Russell Brand was trying to attract the sympathy of the audience with a sarcastic speech on the famous links of purity of the three brothers.
"We believe funny? "Asked Joe, taking off his hand from in front of Kevin's mouth, suddenly becoming annoyed.
"What do you think? "Kevin said, without turning around to hear people behind them they giggle for the attempted performance by comedian presenter.
"disgraced on national television, great," muttered Nick, imitating the other brother, and then sinking into the chair.
"Nicholas, as if no one knew of the Rings," Kevin said quietly.
"Come on, Nick, you take it too! "Joe tried to reassure him," You know how they are made. "The
little show, however, lasted a long time '.

A few rows away from the Jonas Brothers, Tokio Hotel also had a bit 'of trouble for the speech, but for completely different reasons.
"David, I do not understand a shit! "Muttered Tom, staring eyes imploring the manager, looking for a simultaneous translation.
"Stop complaining, saying I do not understand! "Bill tried to silence him, which seemed to actually be very focused on the presenter's speech.
"But please, do not be a braggart, not even realizing you're nothing! "Said the rasta puffing.
'Children, children, no snack if you do so, "sighed David, trying to calm the waters.
"What are you talking about? "Repeated Tom explicitly, but also Bill sharpened his ears to listen to the explanation of the manager.
"Who is gossip, rather," observed David, "He's ridiculing the Something Brothers for their rings ..."
'Rings? "Bill asked, intrigued.
"Yes, as opposed to someone who gives in too deep," the manager looked sideways Tom, "They seem to have promised God to remain virgins until marriage. "
" What great crap! "Tom laughed, trying to regain control now," Bill, they are worse off than you and your story of the only love of your life! "
" Stop, fool, "muttered Bill, giving him a nudge," Are you're a sick sex. "
" Yes, but they are sick in the head! "Sneered the twin still, amazed," From the curl did not expect this! "
" Are you stupid?! He asked, shocked the other, accompanying the application with a ram on the foot of his brother.
"Why? "Asked Tom, in pain," I think there would be. "
" Oh yeah, "snorted the dark, crossing his arms," Who can resist the allure of Sex-Gott ... "
" No, "smiled the wry Rasta "But do not worry, the more I give it to you willingly. "
" Tom, "cried the other with clenched teeth," You're wrong. "
" If, if ... "Tom muttered sarcastically," Have you even asked after the show, you beat us you'd like to operate that. "
" For tonight we closed, "Bill pouted, exasperated by the malice of his brother.
Or maybe he was just a guilty conscience.


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