Friday, January 16, 2009

Do Dermal Piercings Hurt

LalaLaLaLAAAA (land quotes demi xD * *)

Title: stay beautiful (chapter o2)
Fandom: tokio hotel (feat. Jonas Brothers)
Torque: bill / tom (after many vicissitudes)
Prompt: O96. choice (jealousy)
Rating: PG-13 for now.

The atmosphere in the dressing room of Tokio Hotel was, to say the least power: If you already just been nominated for an award U.S. had brought the excitement - and nervousness - the band to the stars now they were so saturated that it may bestow a free tons. Nobody was seriously dreamed of bringing home some, though hope was always the last to die, and the only reason why they were presented, in addition to being materialistic in America in those days was to make the presence to get a bit 'more successful - classical idea of David: when, in fact, the opening of the envelope with the name of the winner of best new artist were called to the stage their own, Bill, on the way up to the stage, had to ask his brother to give him a pinch to make sure we all dreaming of stars, although, in fact, the warm embrace of Miley, who was sitting next to them and, most likely, had strongly hoped to gain this prize, he had convinced enough to still be in the real world.
" Ach, mein Gott ! "Gasped the singer, still with his head in the clouds, but ran to the dressing room, fully revved up and cuddle the award," I can not believe we won! "
" For Bill, "interrupted Tom, who was placed in front to block the road," We won: a little spring 'award, I want to hold it! "
" Do not even think about it, "cried Bill, with the classic whining voice of the child to whom you asked to see his new toy and, in response, have received only a fart," an Vincitene you! "
" It's already mine, "pointed out the dreadlocks in a mumble, near to his brother," If it were not for us who we play, you'd be under a bridge to sing the songs of the cartoons. "
'Blah, blah, blah ," groaned the dark, stepping back whenever the other was trying to close the gap enough to blow potergli the award, until it crashed against the armrest of the sofa and we fell over, legs in the air.
"Give it to me," threatened him with the larger twin, grabbing a pillow over the ground when Bill had stumbled on the couch and throwing straight face, "I want to hold it! "
" Toom! "Bill groaned from under the pillow, shaking his head in an attempt to get rid off, he had no intention of leaving taking the prize.
Meanwhile, his brother, who had used the pillow as a diversion, had jumped on the couch and was placed astride the smallest, to be able to steal the award: the push and pull just to put us in one of the degenerate usual squabbles between twins, or better, including babies of asylum - as well as the rest of the band he used to call them - with Tom who had managed to grab the prize with one hand while the other tried to stop the Bill's legs, who, with his head under the pillow again, squirming under him and trying to unseat him down, both hands busy pulling him have the precious. As
ritual to appease the struggle between the two, indeed, continue to do it without the price to pay for their idiocy was the award, as only the sky and know when, especially if they never had the opportunity to revise another from a distance so small, we thought that Gustav, suddenly popped out from behind the couch while the two were too busy teasing each other to get the notice, it took him a moment to steal from the hands of the two, leaving them with a handful of flies.
"Hey! "Kaulitz protested in unison, turning simultaneously towards the drummer, who had already them back and was carrying off the prize, kindly invite you to stop behaving like brats.
In response, Bill glared at his brother with his eyes, hissing a You saw what you did? "before finally deciding to use their hands, now free of all encumbrance, to grab the pillow that had fallen to the side when he turned to Gustav and run it directly on the nose: the fight was restarted more furious than before, hours for those who had actually the fault of improper removal of the Treasury, and shoving between the Bill and attempts to capture Tom, because there was not much liked their wrestling match ended up dropping them both on the floor.
"Hey girls, 'the unsuspecting sixteen year old who had the misfortune to find the open door of the dressing room and just happen when Tom, his brother on all fours, still holding him by the shoulders to raise and do not the more insistent, pressing a hand on the family jewels because that loosen his grip, he could not find the last syllable of the word, and finally, by contrast, turned white all at once, first to summarize slowly to a normal color, which is increasingly frowned until you come to a strange shade of maroon to reddish vermilion: shook his head once, quickly averting his eyes, which, however, did not go unnoticed.
"Nick," a voice called to him from the corridor approaching slowly, "What, have you seen a ghost? He asked his older brother, now come face to face and noticing how closely it actually purple: with his usual curiosity and pathological predisposition to stick their nose into the affairs of others, including Joe stuck his head in the dressing room, right to immediately retract and stare to the point that seemed to almost two golf balls and seemed to have intended to shoot out of their sockets at any moment, while vigorously shaking his head trying to think of something, anything that divert the storage of strange ideas that were crowding in the brain at a staggering pace.
"One moment, one moment," he hastened to interrupt Bill, giving a push to Tom that he rolled on the ground, get up and embarrassed and tried to stop them before they run away screaming through the halls, "We were just fighting. "
" Do you fight weird, in Germany, "could not help but comment sarcastic Joe, whose pupils had returned to a humane dimension, noting first the dark, now the limit of embarrassment, and then l & rsquo ; another, who was raised and could not hide a grin, probably due to their reaction, "Well," misled the topic a moment later, "We wanted to congratulate you for the award! "
" Danke schön , "squeaked frontman German, lighting up his face and showing off one of his toothy smiles, before he passed to her that they had also been nominated for the same premium and, therefore, at that time were probably sincerely hating them, " We regret that you did not win anything, "he added bluntly, rather than the limitations of his English vocabulary for a real lack of tact, sounding truly sorry.
"No problem," said Joe diplomat, by shrugging, "We'll make in one way or another," he assured with a smile with conviction.
"But let's get series," Tom broke in by force in the conversation, "There's some party around that we can post? She asked concerned, showing off his best and look attractive setting of the corner of the curl, which was still on the door and was now regaining a normal color.
"I really thought we would make a jump to the after-party at school," suggested the American singer, while the twins, especially the eldest, stuck up their nose to the idea of spending the rest of evening with the manager who kept their eyes on them, "I mean, in short," he hastened to point out, giving an explanation, "It's the only place where we can drink without showing documents: bartenders Hollywood is unbearable, if you have not played twenty-one do not give you anything. "
" Hey, I like how the guy thinks, "had to admit the rasta with a laugh," Sow and David go to get drunk! "He added, enhanced, turning to his brother, and almost certainly in his mind was already turning movies mental pick up some girls as pretty, make her drink a little 'and take it to bed.
"Then there were? "Asked Nick, finally recovering to speak, even if he was sure that this scene would have been impressed in my mind for a very, very time.
"Certainly," assured the Rasta, who seemed to turn more to a fan with a colleague that thirteen of sixteen, "Download our manager and we are there with the rest of the band! "
" Okay, we're going to recover our brother, meanwhile, "Joe took his leave, exchanging glances with his brother, as he left the dressing room and, with his back to the two Germans, raised his hand to greet them: Nick, however, murmured a" after " before following the major.

The Americans were always doing things in style, for sure: the after-party was a veritable feast of stars worthy of the best clubs in the world. The studies had been turned inside out in a flash, and now the stage where up to one hour before, had been handed over the awards is dominated by a console and a professional sound system managed by a DJ who knew his business, and the bright atmosphere of the show was little more than a memory, since the studio was completely dark and the only lights were present the classic strobe Party which, intermittently, allowed the view as if everything was going in slow motion: the audience was totally different and, instead of screaming fans filled the room, the most famous celebrities from the music scene as a madman thought to have fun dancing at center stage while in a corner was a table full of improvised super-alcoholic drinks of all sorts, complete with a bartender who took care to mix cocktails. The crowd
was really exaggerated, and a couple of minutes after entering, the German band was lost to view with ease from a manual: Tom could only see the corner of Gustav and Georg slip between the mass of people danced, and was convinced that Bill was there in the middle somewhere, certainly putting on a show with his moves embarrassing. He, however, have not yet spotted any prey in particular was worth jumping on the track, wasted no time in heading towards alcohol and to a more than generous glass of strawberry vodka before Espying, against the side of table, a tangle of curly hair that looked familiar.
"Hey," greeted loudly to be heard on the other hand, while he approached, "This place is fantastic, we dream of them in Europe, so the after-party! "Said he was surprised when on the side.
'Oh well, here always tend to exaggerate anything, "Nick said with a shrug, looking at the guitar and looking around," And the others? "
" They heard the call of the track, "Tom laughed, sipping vodka like mineral water, "Your brothers? "
'The same," said one, searching for a moment with his eyes in the middle of the crowd, but failing miserably, "Somewhere in the middle. "
" And you? "Asked the rasta, curious," Do not join the fray? "
" It is not my thing, I do not strapiace dance. "
" Oh, please, "Tom laughed," You're right in adolescence and do not you jump into the fray? You'll never find a girl like that! "
" I do not care at the time. "
" You look like a forty, "said the guitarist, and emptied his glass and, with little to gallant, indicated two girls who were dancing in the crowd: one was the wavy-haired brunette with whom they had spoken before the VMAs , and another, slightly taller than she was a girl with long brown hair and straight bangs that almost covered her eyes, "The smooth is not bad, but with the curly gladly would try that do you think? "
" Well, "muttered the other, looking away from the two that Tom had pointed his glass and moving on, it appears far more interested in what he held in his hand to another," Yes, I think so ;. "
" A sore spot. It's your ex? He asked wisdom, and, by the reaction of the smallest, was confirmed to have centered in the middle of the point, "What was in bed? He asked maliciously, without much circled around.
"I do not know," Nick mumbled, flushing and throwing everything down in one gulp the contents of the glass, which until a moment before was almost full to the brim, "There I was in bed. "
" But you Americans are all crazy, "Tom turned over the knife, came into his head while thinking of the history of virginity until marriage, which had pulled out of the presenter," I am a Bottarelli I'd give it to him: you say there is? "
I do not know," said the curly dry, turning again to fill the glass with the first What happened to that shot, making for more nervousness than anything else, "Try it, see for yourself," said furious, throwing a dirty look before turning and leaving.
the list of American singer, the estimate for Tom Kaulitz had just dropped a hundred points.


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