Monday, October 27, 2008

Kitchenaid Pieces Montreal


I'm fucking LJ CUT

Chapter 8.

Despite the previous evening, when the two seemed to have reconciled, Bill still felt a strange feeling inside. He was still convinced to love Tom, and the fact that he did not snub it down at all. He could not get used to the fact that Tom does not spend more than attention. It was absurd, in short, a week before were the happy lovers, but now Bill found himself with a heart full of unrequited love, while Tom just seemed ... just Tom. The usual rastaro that everyone knew, arrogant and a womanizer. Cheerful, always happy for some reason idiot. He had begun to make his jokes about sex in the interviews, it seemed only the brother of Bill, not her lover - as before.

course were met Georg and Gustav, initially. The twins had stopped with their wiles, the tricks and loving. Cats were no longer in heat and everything seemed to be back to normal, somewhat quiet.

" Tom" Bill called from the top of the tour bus. Tom climbed the stairs and was present.

" What's happening?"

" I can not close the money," Bill said, puffing.

" Sit on, I close it," ordered the Rasta. Bill and Tom sat on the suitcase zipped. For a moment Bill's knee touched the arm of Tom and the two looked at each other. An exchange of smiles, laughter and bitter aware. They were doing the right thing, unfounded. Tom nodded and rubbed his hands.

" back down," he said, going towards the stairs. He left a languid eyes, caring, and Bill came down the stairs. They had to forget the whole thing, Bill should forget the whole thing.

" Tom, pig dog!" Cursed Bill, down the stairs of the tour bus and dragging her suitcase.

" And now what?" Sighed Tom. Bill had not noticed, though, that they were not alone. A girl was sitting on Tom's legs and showed her balcony with a prosperous canottierina virtually non-existent. Tom smiled slyly, he seemed really had deleted everything. Still, fucking, seemed so in love, so happy with Bill ...

" ... You have not shut the money and opened the stairs." Bill said. As soon as he saw the girl her eyes were darkened. So it was true. Tom had just deleted ...? No, I could not believe it. If the first was taken by anxiety, seeing that woman on the legs of his brother, he felt relieved. What was the cry on? She had not. Only had to remove his weapons and regain the best brother. Of course, it was not difficult.

So lost in his thoughts these ups and downs, typical adolescent medium, Bill returned to the floor, before regretting the times when they were at home - where Tom could not take home any - and then feeling sorry for himself, thinking that Tom would never have more shit, that his life could not improve and he would stay single forever.

Georg and Gustav were discussing their affairs, sitting on the couches of the hotel where they were going to stay. They seemed much more relaxed than before, as if all the strange time of the twins had been canceled .... When Bill realized that he felt the situation tremendously frustrated. Everyone had forgotten, except him. Even his best friends were better off without the pair erupted around. Neither, however, had come to terms with the characters of both. While Tom had canceled the period - that was what gave you to see - Bill seemed more taciturn, solitary and pensive. Not that it had not already happened, for every disappointment Bill locked himself into his world and for a while 'did come to terms with himself. But this time was different. He had the most hysterical, not crying, not vented to anyone. He was just there, watching the movement around him. He knew that cry on them would not be used or even wanted to do it. He felt empty and was not the first time. The lack of affection for Tom had left a hole, a space unbridgeable and Bill did not try to fill it. I just shunned.

So the hours went quiet, lonely, love. The memory remains in the drawer, did not have enough forces to reopen that chapter. He tried to go ahead and hoped that with time, love for Tom was replaced by fraternal affection that had always shared. A jump - a huge leap - backward, as he told Tom.

" Bill, is to the after party, right? "said Jost, the manager. Bill looked at him and nodded. Not like those who wanted to go to a party, not like those who went there by force. He just nodded.

" Okay ... so do not be late. Please come down in an hour, enough? "He asked again Jost, estimating that the Bill would certainly have had their hair and makeup.

"David Even now," said unstressed, getting up and wiping his pants. It was all an hour sitting on the floor, on the gray carpet of his room.

" Okay ... "said Jost insecure. He understood that something was wrong. In short he had seen Bill trick a million times, but never more than a few rare occasion at a party.

" Are you sure that everything is fine?"

" Sure!" Bill nodded, a bit 'more vigorously. At the very least had to give the impression of being alive.

went down the stairs in silence and for the first time the two co-workers were uncomfortable.


Bill was floating in the party room, a bit 'random, a bit' lost. Actually had in mind a precise way, he touched the corner of alcohol, red sofa, and sometimes a leap into the bathroom to get rid of all that liquid that enter the body.

" Hey Bill," cried Tom, trying to talk over the music. Bill nodded his head and made a sort of smile, the look on people moving around. Tom threw himself hastily on the leather sofa and brought his arm around the shoulders of Bill, who moved a bit 'in his place and made a face. After a week of "Do not touch me" seemed strange that Tom would behave like that. She brought her mouth to the cheek of Bill and left a kiss sound. Bill looked at him strangely. What was happening?

" Tom, stop it."

" What?" Sang.

" You act so silly ...."

" I am stupid"

" What the hell are you talking about?"

Tom smiled and came up suddenly, kissed her lips. Bill jumped to his feet. Cold sweating, heart beating fast. He looked around and oddly - and thankfully - no one had seen them. Tom got up and walked over to Bill. The space between them was so small that only air could pass between their breasts. Bill backed off, Tom grabbed his arm and walked heavily dispatched to the bathroom. Tom Bill slammed against the wooden door with a grin. Bill looked like a deer. Not sweet, not soft. Frightened, terrified by the hunter who wanted to kill him and beating their hearts.

" Tom, please ..." she whispered. Tom put her lips to those of Bill and attempted to force his tongue to enter through the narrow mouth of his brother. Bill pushed him away and let out a sob.

" Do not cry, love." Tom trod the last word with his voice almost maliciously. Bill glared at him. Tom stepped forward, no time to move the rest of the body to the twin and felt hot. Burning. Bill had just pulled a slap, dry and firm on the cheek. Thank goodness he had not taken the piercing.

" What the fuck are you doing?" Tom snapped angrily. Bill looked at him with contempt.

" Watch. You're drunk. You're pathetic, pathetic. You make me sick. "

came out of that room cursed, leaving Tom in the throes of hysterics.

" Hey Bill, what happened?" Georg asked Bill to a totally out of his mind.

" My brother is an asshole, that's what happens!" Roared the Moor. He left the room and made his arrival at the hotel.


The next morning, the twins looked almost sad. Tom was disappointed in the deep and even understood the reason for his gesture, so he tried to make amends.

" Bill ..." Tom whispered. He was crouched on the floor behind the door ajar of his hotel room. Bill was calling so you will not be heard by others, as if the passage in which Bill beat the heels of his boots was inhabited by someone.

" Mh?" Bill looked around. It seemed that he heard a voice but saw no one.

" Below" Tom called out, waving a hand at the door. Bill squinted a bit and came up hunching 'back.

" Tom?"

" Well, who else."

Bill snorted and crossed his arms. What the hell he wanted his brother now? And then, because he was sitting cross-legged on the floor?

" What are you, Tom?" Bill said dryly. He was still angry, perhaps hurt by what had happened the night before.

" Come in, please"

Bill came quickly go a little 'door. When he was in Tom leaned his back against the wooden door and closed it with his weight. Bill was standing in front of him and held the arms folded, with one hip raised slightly. God, so far as a woman.

" What do you want?" Bill asked again, throwing out a little 'air. In fact he knew that Tom was looking for his forgiveness and that he knew even better had they not already granted. He just wanted to be wanting a bit '.

" You sit down," asked Tom. Bill knelt in front of sister, leaning all his weight on his knees and thighs. Tom smiled, extending an arm, pushed slightly Bill's chest and they fell on my ass. Seemed one of those who watched cartoons as kids. The expression fun and a bit 'crowded out, the tuft of hair on the eye and lower lip a bit' out.

" Ah-ah. Very funny Tom "Bill muttered, adjusting his clothes. He settled back, crossing his legs and dropping the shoulders.

" As children we once played for the Indians. We sat so still. "Began the rasta.

" What a stupid thing."

" Yeah. I could not put my slacks. And you wanted to wear makeup at all costs. "

Bill smiled a little 'love to those memories and suddenly felt close to him the presence of Tom.

" Okay, that was fun."

" for you! I was running around the house and when I refugee from mom, she laughed and was moved to reach me from that monster you were! "Laughed Tom. Even Bill laughed as he had stopped doing for days. As for months, had stopped doing.

"Tom Okay, so what?"

" Sorry. Yesterday I was drunk, you've noticed. I did not want to be so shit "Tom said sadly. Really, could not explain the reason, the cause that had driven him to drink and to the idiot with his brother.

Bill shrugged and smiled.

" Capita"

Tom nodded. His brother knew to be truly inclusive, when he wanted.

" Thank You"

Bill stood up and held out his hand to his brother to help him up. At the touch, the two felt a strange sensation. Perhaps a spark. Maybe a shock . Or perhaps, so much sadness.


" Mom, I'm going to take a shower," advised Bill. He was in shorts and with his chest open. His hair was tousled and his eyes a bit 'heavy with sleep.

" course, go treasure. I'm a bit of 'go out with Gordon, when you exit Come check out of the shower fresh "Simone said softly. Having the twins at home recently looked like a 'habit. Since Tom had the license, the two boys taking every opportunity to escape a bit 'in their nest, of course, when the band programs of the permit.

Bill nodded and smiled, walking up the stairs at home. A good shower was ideal, especially with all the thoughts I had at that time. He needed to relax, absolutely.

" Tom, please check out the sweet, sometimes. It is up to, but Bill goes to take a shower and knowing it could be there in an hour, "smiled her mother. Tom chuckled and gave his word. Simon grabbed his coat and went out in the driveway, waiting for Gordon's car that would come a little later.

Tom was lying on the couch and contemplated the TV screen. The lights were out, and though they had just seven darkness reigned supreme over the town of Loitsche. We thought about at times. He thought how it would be nice to live in a small town unknown in the peace and confidence that it could give. Maybe waking up every morning at dawn, put a pair of slippers and a shirt, get into the garden and take a bite of a fish watching the sun rise, which paints the sky a pale blue-yellow mixture. And certainly, there would have been good even a song on the piano, the kind that make you want a relaxing life of one of those old silent films in black and white.

were fantasies, though. Humble dreams unattainable, perhaps even would never come true. But sometimes it was nice to fantasize, a little off 'from the world and all the troubles and problems that entailed.

Tom was to be lost in dreams with open eyes lying on a soft couch its, while in the house, another boy was lost in his idyllic world. There were no peach trees, the scent of the morning nor Giovanni Allevi piano playing in the backyard. That world was full of sweet and sickly sweet love.

The mixer water fell slightly on the frail body of Bill, stroking the hair and white skin blacks. The drops of water falling broken, sinuous lines and irregular walked on his chest, meeting some of the time 'of soap.

" Aah ..." Bill sighed, eyes closed. The steam was almost unbearably hot and humid and you could hardly breathe, but sit back and relax every muscle and every tendon that guy nervous. We really wanted that bath had been so long since he allowed himself a moment to think of him. His attention was paid to eighty percent of Tom, ten percent in the interviews, the voice and the concerts and the remaining ten percent was devoted to makeup, to clothes and hair. The last part of a percentage, perhaps it could be considered as personal attention, but Bill knew that all that makeup, those extravagant clothes and hair were not cared for extra personal satisfaction, but confidential business techniques to the public women, and why not, sometimes even men.

His life was tremendously frustrating lately, you often find yourself thinking, to act in behalf of the people around him. No, he was always to think of others. Maybe it was a selfish thought, perhaps, or just antisocial misanthrope the , but he was sick of it all, began to hate people, friends, fangirls and their love stories inconclusive ... simply hated the world.

threw off the air and shook his head. But he must not play the victim. Calmly all would. Turned the handle of the mixer and the water stopped off slowly opened the door of the box and wrapped in a bathrobe on the case. It was blue, a nice dark blue and some orange lines, dark green, red and light green running around the sleeves ii . It was soft, really soft. And really, that was not his bathrobe. Mistakenly had grabbed one of Tom and a strange sense of uneasiness took possession of him. Certainly not Tom would be angry, but he seemed to do something forbidden, so beautiful that it can be bad. He sniffed the cloth and smell the bubble bath they used always, the smell of soap, clean. Smell of Tom. It was so strange, she could never focus on himself. Basks in the perfume - which on the other hand was also his, because whole family used the same bubble bath - and after several minutes, with a smile on his lips, walked out of the bathroom. Upstairs there was none, only the lights of street lamps lit up the corridor, so Bill pressed the switch and wall lamps illuminated the long strip of the room. Bill sighed and smiled, satisfied. At his nostrils came a peculiar smell, and immediately went downstairs, like a fury. She ran to the kitchen, already imagining the house catching on fire. When he saw Tom in the kitchen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tom Kaulitz cooking, the scoop of the year" mocked him a bit 'Bill, relaxing by the fire avoided.

" Maybe, the girls would get me to walk more than they do now," said smiling and keeping his eyes glued the small saucepan. Bill staggered to the chair and threw it there. To hear Tom talk about women at home bothered him a lot.

" Sorry ... I did not think" Tom whispered, glancing. Bill shrugged and smiled. At least his brother was aware of his sufferings.

" That smells good!" Exclaimed Bill. Tom nodded and smiled.

" mum cooked pineapple, so you do not die"

" Hey ... "Bill said, pinching his shoulder.

" See you shove an apple in his mouth!" Tom jokingly threatened him, Bill was in fact allergic to apples. They both laughed, and soon after Tom discovered that Bill was wearing his bathrobe.

" What is it?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, as he had done Bill.

" I got one at random ..." Bill is justified crossing his arms and looking away.

" No, uh, I was talking to another ... "Tom murmured, trying to stifle a laugh. Bill looked up and noticed that an erection was getting up early part of the bathrobe. She blushed violently, and covered, running in the room.

" idiot," cried Bill while doing the stairs. Tom laughed and waited for his brother. When Bill was dressed and went downstairs and full-bodied sweet smell of pineapple caught him again. It was a good smell, it looked delicious. Fruit sugar had melted and now classic bouquet of stewed fruit expanded to all corners of the house, concentrating in the kitchen. It was as a sweetener, filled his nostrils and stimulates the senses.

" Wow ..." breathed Bill, sitting down again.

"You resolved fast," Tom poked him

" Idiot ..." mumbled Bill

" Come on, you know what a joke. It happens an-"Tom stopped the flow of words, thinking that perhaps he had said too much.

" an-what happens?" I urged Bill

" Nothing, leave it alone"

Bill shrugged, but a good boy with hormones in full working hours and a mentality female and male - which was all to his advantage - and immediately started to think about the thousands of possible hidden meanings.

Tom grabbed the wooden spoon he was using to mix the fruit, dipped it in the pot and brought it to his lips, blowing on it. Tasted a bit of the yellow substance that was the end of the tool and passed it to Bill.

" Taste" ordered Tom.

" It 's good but I have a better idea ..."

Bill went to the freezer and after careful research took a package of puff pastry.

" We make a pie!" Exulted the dark, clapping. Tom was a bit 'worried about the idea of being in the same room with Bill, a hot filling, which could easily cadergli him, and many knives, they could have done the same end of the filling. He knew his brother, but perhaps not enough. And yet it looked so cute with straight hair, clean face and the joy that radiated around him. If it takes so little to give him a few moments of happiness, because negarglielo.

" Okay, but I do not wash the dishes," said Tom quickly, causing a loud laugh Bill.

They worked for an hour at that sweet. We would put less, much less in terms normal, but they had lost in playing with the flour, with shapes - although nothing to do with the cake they were doing - and with all that were on the kitchen counter. As soon as they finished the cake mold and fill the fire, along with two small cookies made with the remaining dough. Bill had created a cute little heart with his little mouth and eyes, while Tom had taken his share of pasta, had crumpled and shoved into the oven as it was. Bill had snorted, saying he had no imagination and style that would not have died if he had tried a bit 'more and Tom replied that they had just cooked together, wondering if that was not enough.

" Okay! Will be ready in twenty minutes, "said Bill happy, jumping on the couch. His shirt was completely smeared with flour, so out of laziness had just taken off and left on the kitchen table. Tom sat down composedly on the chair - he had changed his shirt - and grabbed the remote control.

" Hey, put on MTV," said Bill, trying to stretch an arm toward his brother. He felt extremely tired, although he had slept for an hour in the afternoon, so gave up the undertaking to steal the remote control. His eyes grew heavy and slowly closed, leaving in his mind the image of Tom resting comfortable in the chair. Shortly after his mouth opened up and began to snore. Tom turned, and only then noticed that Bill had fallen asleep. He took the blanket at his feet and placed it on his brother's naked torso, shivering slightly as she touched him.

It was a strange feeling, really. I did not feel those chills since they were totally closed their report. Yet were not the same thrills. They were shivering with passion, there was nothing exciting in the extreme. It was different. Shocks were thin and almost impalpable, read and perhaps insignificant. To this took no notice, grabbed another blanket and fell asleep too, awaiting the return of the mother and Gordon.

the Misanthrope = word learned through Ica xD

ii In practice is the description of my bathrobe.


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