Sunday, June 15, 2008

How To Smile If You Have A Crooked Nose

= w = ~ lemme dieeeHHH

This chapter hate him even more, ole. xD

Title: caught red-handed (chapter o7)
Fandom: Tokio Hotel
Torque: tom / bill
Prompt: 027. parents.
Rating: PG13 .

Tom was not a nervous person, a little ' because things did not worry too much, a little 'because he could never hold back enough to be a coming collapse, burst ever before: be subjected to a lot of stress similar to that which they had subirsi him and Bill in the last three days was therefore extremely difficult. Contrary to appearances, to endure the situation was, in the opinion of Tom, much more complicated for him than for her brother Bill, being much more irascible, he used to give checkmate every five minutes, this was simply a scene of major proportions than those he usually did. For him, however, came back somewhat complex to be able to handle it, mostly because were already quite bad condition, and David had categorically forbidden to release tension in that country by sending the paparazzi, who had too many already suspected: it's nothing left to release tension.
was so agitated that he could not sleep a wink all night, and it was so unbearable that even more nervous, not to mention that, alongside with Bill every five minutes he turned and turned appiattendoglisi contrast, had to remain calm utopia: the thing itself is not that the sorry, but at the time certainly did not help his nerves. Calculating that, then he stuck his left elbow in the side of his brother by 47 minutes exactly, according to the latest look on the clock, was not hard to imagine that as soon as the alarm sounded - regulated, inter alia, all'improponibile hours of 5:30 am - had jumped out of bed without any effort: thus, while the smaller of the two crawled out from under covered at the time of the bath with the enthusiasm of a guest at a funeral, the other had already slipped shirt and pants and had brought the suitcases in the hallway, ready to be taken away from Saki.
The idea, at first glance of genius, in the end it was one of the best: if, in fact, up to half an hour before staring at the clock until the alarm sounds for potersene go to that room, now he realized of have nothing better to do to pass the next hour and a half: at least, Bill had first read that, paradoxically, among all the kicks and elbows, reassured him.

But, of course, never say never, if the night seemed long, the car ride seemed to last forever: Bill had begun to strike some sort of speech, and iPod headphones in your ears at full volume so as not to hear anything that was not his music, and that Bill had already refused to speak, in itself, a fairly worrying. On the other hand, so Tom had his head in the clouds that had not even noticed that one of his headphones had slipped and now hanging in the air: whether, in fact, until a few hours before it could not wait to get home to resume a bit 'out of breath and stop being haunted by mental saws - and unfortunately, only those , he could not think - his brother, now that actually approached the goal would gladly snatched the steering wheel to Saki and would back down, possibly in a direct part of the world where no one even knew who they were Tokio Hotel.
next few hours would not be no shortage of scenes, knowing Bill's innate tendency to do everything in a tragedy and the equally remarkable ability to touch the mother's always with a mathematical precision, the keys more painful: Tom and I was fed up with hat stage, especially following the latest exploits of Bill, not believed to be able to withstand a fight between him and his mother without breaking someone's face and, above all, had the strange belief that the first to finish with a broken nose in such a situation, it was Bill himself, with his obsession with victimhood.
The noise of the wheels braking on a purple pebble too had known back to reality and, where up to ten seconds before the trip was the most agonizing that the guitarist had ever faced, now gave way to the pole-position face at home. Out of the car seemed a little 'how to get back to the first day elementary school, especially by Bill Fortunately, the Moor had found somewhere in the attitude not to cry and not kicking out of the car. Unfortunately, this did not imply that it was easy to pull out of the car: he was pale, white as a corpse, and Tom had to get it up to strength, which in recent days, seemed to have to do a little 'too often, and despite Tom had grabbed him by the hand and dragged on to the bell, had not mentioned to calm down even for a moment. Indeed, more and more seemed to shudder.
When the car drove off, leaving them alone with the bags in front of the gate, could not help but share a look that said clearly take your bags and go away : neither had the courage to play, and were probably left a lot 'of time in front of properties on the intercom as two idiots. In the end, Tom, one of the deepest breaths he had ever done, it was decided to lay his finger on the bell but withdrew a split second later, perhaps in the hope that no one had heard.
And while the hope was always the last to die, ready-that was buried when someone had answered the intercom.
"Mom? It's us, "muttered Tom, giving thanks that they had a video, because Bill was really ridiculous as he tried to free himself from handshake Tom holding him still. Not that Tom was much more emotionally stable, but it would never admit it out loud.

"I want to die," Bill whimper softly, a couple of steps from the front door: nothing, nothing had prepared, and that was the most serious problem, had not even hinted at what to say to explain the each other, and certainly would have done everything right so catastrophic. That said, the lies that had short legs, and, despite six feet in height plenty of both, it was the truth: they would immediately stumbled, inventing nonsense about nonsense, and Simon had no trouble understanding that they were lies. Paradoxically, even the truth seemed to promise much longer legs: as a minimum, if they had admitted having an affair, would have been the mother to fend for itself Segar their legs net.
entered the house seemed to have entered the yarn in top ten most embarrassing moments in the life of Bill Kaulitz, but on the other hand, the scene was not what she had imagined: no dishes, cutlery, or even worse, furniture was flew to the entrance in an attempt to decimate the two degenerate children who had just opened the door. On the contrary, in front of them stood by Gordon and Simone in relatively calm attitude: at least, it was the first, or perhaps just trying to be, while the second least did not try to hide nor hair out of place or dark circles and red eyes, together with a handkerchief in hand, ready to dry any tears or, even worse, the blood from his hands after being strangled. This, at least in the mind of Bill defeatist.
There were no scenes or bloodshed: a second after the two had entered, Simone had slingshots on twins in the clumsy attempt to embrace them both together, while seemingly senseless sentences whined about why, why, my children? , the tears began to flow abundant. On the one hand, Bill, involved in the embrace, had burst into tears, in turn, stammering at least a thousand times in thirty seconds the word excuse the other, Tom was really worried that her mother had gone out of his head and had no right to the news in newspapers, and is completely lost, tried a few answers in the eyes of stepfather.
"Mom? "Tom asked finally, suffocated by the embrace. "We can explain, if we let the time ..."
detaching themselves from children, Simon had to hurry up quickly pass a handkerchief over his eyes and make a mess of unusable paper: with a calm that neither of the two brothers had dreamed have, they sat in the living room, Gordon and Simon on the couch, chair Tom and Bill on the arm, and whining too nervous to sit away from him.
'It's really embarrassing, "muttered Tom. "God, I was ashamed to let you know my girlfriend, let alone to explain this ... It is not what it seems, really. "
" It's my fault, "sobbed again Simon, wringing his hands what was left of the handkerchief. "Divorce, appointments with Gordon, you are home alone ... I'd never have a bad mother ..."
"Mom, Mom, Mom," Tom stopped her, praying that does not burst into tears again. "It's not your fault. It is our fault: we drank, and that is the result. Sorry, do not know how. "
" Eh? "Through her tears, her eyes seemed to light up a few Simone glow, perhaps hope. "Drunk? ... Were you drunk? "
" M-hm, "nodded the twin major, was hoping to be at least credible.
"And I," replied the mother, again on the verge of tears. "I called Bill, I did not let you explain ... I am a horrible mother ... There I said of all the colors, I have not heard ... horrible ... I believed all the nonsense in the newspapers ..."
"Mom, you were upset, "Tom assured her. "Okay, you had better call me, so as not to take a panic at this idiot here, but it's our fault. We fucked up. "
Meanwhile, Bill had taken a little 'color: got up, kneeling in front of Simon, who was also with her eyes streaming with tears, and took a deep breath. In that exact moment Tom had feared the worst: the confidence in the brother was not at the highest levels in recent times, and so he also felt guilty as a dog, but could not help but think that he would escaped something. It was inevitable: the complex of elder brother who found himself on him, he was firmly convinced that what he had to protect the innocent brother who did not know what he said.
"Mother," Bill moaned, her head resting on his knees. "Sorry about that. We are the fools, for I will not tell us why ... more »
While both apologized, shook Bill Simon in another hug: both wept copiously now, and Tom was sure of being in the middle of a family of crazy. With a sigh of relief, slasciĆ² sinking in the chair, wondering vaguely why Gordon, since he had returned, had not yet opened his mouth.


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