Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What Were The Names Of The Nina

Here is the second chapter.
I tried to make the relationship between Michael and Sendoh moltro brother, trying not to result in a clear OOC or make it look like her a Mary Sue.
I hope I succeeded.
always thank [info] akinera and [info] milady_earwen for betaggio.

2. Together again

Three train stops.
So we had taken Michael to reach the Ryonan from his home, though, had to admit it, then find it was not difficult (always easier than finding the length of his pants). Pass through the gates that leads into the courtyard of a typical Japanese high school, which faces a school building from typical Japanese high school and looked around, and the gym? Genius by Akira part of her appointment in a place not readily available to her, and for carelessness could very well be using one of the characters in Takahashi's manga.
noticed two students cross the courtyard and decided to take advantage of it, so he approached them, to see her, exchanged glances and giggles.
"Excuse me, can you tell me where the gym?" Asked the two, pointing to his right index finger before you run away, without stop giggling even for a second.
Here. That was precisely the attitude that he could not endure: that is good to meet a girl of six feet was not really something every day, especially in Japan, but because they had to treat it more like an alien?
Despite the unclear directions of the two, managed to find the building and, after having set foot, a feeling of nostalgia and déjà vu-the seized: hear the scrape of shoes on the parquet, the thud of the ball on the floor , the shouts of the players and see Akira while performing one of his exploits them back to mind their first meeting, the first time he had made a trip to Japan.
The words of the boy began to surface nicely, despite being pasati two years since Akira, over friendly, had approached her and began talking to her for no apparent reason.
"How tall are you?"
still remembered this question, put in a way so naive as to displace.
"A six-foot."
"Wow! You're the first person that I can finally look straight in the eye without having to look down! "
not remember the period of his life more beautiful. It mattered little that Akira, too busy basketball, not noticing his feelings, he was happy just standogli next; adored who passed the whole afternoon talking, never take a breath, or play basketball. Meanwhile, Akira
had intercepted a pass and, after a series of feints against the poor Koshino, had come from under the basket, he skillfully avoided Uozumi and threw the ball inside the ring of metal with a great dunk.
"Cursed ... because I'm your best friend, you at least save you some games with me," he complained to time Koshino, having stood at Sendoh a "brotherly" kick in the pants.
'E' so that I get. "He smiled slyly the lanky, seeing Michael in the meantime.
was not changed at all, always nice and always high. No, he was wrong. A look at rather, it was pretty much the last time: long blond hair just below her shoulders, who had taken the place of short bob and comfortable, gave her an air of more mature and more feminine. It was no longer the tomboy who had come to know, the little Miki had grown up.
"Hello." She smiled sweetly.

To celebrate the beauty in the arrival of Michael, Akira decided to take her to a place that was special for both, but everything you would expect, much less a basketball court. Since he had suffered
Combined rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament, collateral and meniscus in his left knee, had not touched a ball and now I really felt the lack.
"I hope you like the place." Said the number seven, showing the structure, which housed as many as three fields. "I thought you would like to continue, although at first we all feel a bit 'attention."
"Thank you, but you should not have, I do not ... I did not even dress right, and I have no protection for the knee. "regretted the girl.
"If this is the only problem, do not worry. Here are the only bashoes and I think that you are well supplied. For the rest, "he smiled, opening her bag and pulled out a bundle," remedy immediately. I hope you go well. "
When Michael opened this unexpected gift could not help but jump up and choke him with his friend a big hug. A brace for the knee! Without hesitating an instant if they tried. It was almost perfect.
"Now show me what you can do." The challenge then, passing the ball.

Although his movements were still very limited, could not remember ever having so much fun playing basketball, Akira was simply outstanding, both as a player, especially as a friend. At any time, any action sought to meet her, I try not to make too much effort, but it could be boring without her.
"I do not know about you, but I'm dying of thirst," confessed exhausted, and stopped to catch his breath.
"I'm sorry," apologized the girl, "now your coach you have squeezed like lemons and I'm practically forcing you to play."
"Do not take a shot that you have not." Chided affectionately Akira, 'if you wait here a moment, then I recover my revenge! "
" Okay! "
As soon as Michael was sure to be away from the gaze of the boy, took the ball in his hands and began to dribble, walking towards the basket, to the three-point line, then stopped and pulled to the left. The ball traced a perfect parabola and slipped elegantly into the basket. He picked up the ball and back again over the line three, weighed the ball over the head with his right hand and shot: a shot that ended less refined than the first against the inner portion of the ring, and then shoot out and fall back to earth with a big thud.
A mild discomfort in the knee forced her to stop. It was then that a voice never heard before caught his attention.
"Too bad, really nice shot." Complimented a young brown-haired and tanned skin. On his left cheekbone, near the eye, a small mole.
"Not really. Had it been a nice shot, would have come. "She answered, taking the ball back and pulling out the crescent, this time with the left. As expected, the ball went straight to the basket.
"Few people are able to make some throws so precise and elegant."
"It's not my case. For me it was just luck. "
The stranger picked up the ball and handed it to the blonde, who grabbed it.
"I'd like to play against you. A one-on-one. What do you say? "He suggested, but she did not have time to argue, because Akira joined them.
Just in time.
"I do not think that's the case, Maki. Not for now, at least. "
" Sendoh. Do not you think it would be polite to do the necessary presentations? "Scolded the captain of Kainan, with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Oh, yeah, sorry ... Maki Met Michael Belvedere. Miki, Maki Shin'ichi he is the captain of Kainan. "
That name rang in the girl's head as a warning: Akira had beset with this elusive master of Kainan in recent times during their phone calls, it was almost jealous.
"Akira I often talk about you. Pleasure. "Greeted him Then, pointing a bow.
"How about to challenge us, eh, Maki?" Ryonan player intervened, grabbing the ball and starting to dribble.
"Why not? It 's a really interesting perspective. "Nodded the number four. "And then, with an audience so, I could not refuse."
Michael watched as they played without those two words without sparing a single moment: it was really a clash of titans, so good to take your breath away to anyone who looked . Above all, no one wanted to cede any point, you were battling as if they were competing in the final World Championship. Feints, blocks, dunks. Whoever had been there at that moment might well have to trade that for a game between the NBA star.

"This time you got on well, but next I'll win," he asserted Akira, and all three came from the building.
"We'll see." Maki said, glancing at Michael, who, entranced, did nothing but compliment both.
"I had always thought that Akira would represent an exception in the landscape Japanese basketball. 'she said' Well, obviously I have to think again. It will be really fun to watch the championship. "
'In case it is a compliment?" Said the ace of Kainan.
"Sort of." Replied the girl, a hint of a smile. Then he stopped abruptly. "Oh, I forgot my jacket next to the field ... I'll be right '
The two boys watched the sport back in the building without saying a word. Not that they had much to say, in addition to basketball did not have other arguments in common of which could really argue. Nor was it yet time for the typical ritual phrases, like "it'll destroy", "will reduce you and your team to shreds" and so on ... and Michael was taking a bit 'too much.
"Congratulations, Sendoh! Really a nice girl. "Shin'ichi said, however, unexpectedly. "I did not think I was a lover of exotic charm."
"In what sense?"
"Sendoh, Sendoh, Sendoh ... sometimes your ingenuity I am surprised. You can see a mile away that you are together! "
'We what?" Asked Akira amazed.
He and Miki, together? It was just absurd! He would not never crossed the antechamber of the brain can stay with her. Never ever. A thought like that for him it was really inconceivable. Not that it was not pretty, though ... we would have been as engaged with his sister!
At that moment he remembered one of the last e-mail address, remember it as if he had read the night before.

I'm glad that you finally has decided to assign to feminine charm, Aki ... I'm sure she will reciprocate your feelings. The rest is more than normal people do not love you? You're the best person I have ever known solar, and even more reliable. Well, almost always ... I still remember your proverbial delays! But really, we all have quirks.
I know that sounds stupid now, but I can write such a thing, because I've tried all this first hand. You seem like a shock confession, but a bit 'of time I was in love with you.

When he read those lines had been pervaded by a profound sense of guilt. How could it not to have ever noticed?
Obviously she had tried not to let him weigh the matter. It is now water under the bridge, he said. Now they were really like brother and sister, held up in times of need, we trusted each other and, more importantly, prove that affection did not stop for a moment.
Maki's voice distracted him from his thoughts.
"Then I go." Said number four, making waved his hand.
"But Miki has not come back!"
"It's late, you salutamela." He said. he withdrew.
She went out a few minutes later.
"And Maki?"
"He had a bit of a hurry."
The two walked towards the house of Michael. They felt broken, but at the same time, they did not stop a minute to smile happily, it was nice to be together after so long.
"You know that Maki thought you were my girl?" Said Sendoh, circling its shoulders with his arm as they crossed an intersection.
"Really?" Asked the Italian. "Well, is not the first ..."
Suddenly a faint meow attracted the attention of the girl who ran into an alley, where a black kitten scared trembling in a corner, grabbed him gently and began ; to stroke, to make it calm down a bit '.
"Poor little thing ... you're so cold?" He said, hugging him.
not looked like a stray cat, it was too clean, had a collar but no tag. Akira
persuaded to accompany her to a veterinarian. Then, when he learned from them that the kitten was well fed and healthy, he decided to take him home.
"But you are not allergic to cats?" Asked the boy, once at the gate.
"Only when they are moulting. Anyway, I'll keep it until they find their real owners. "
" You know it's statistically impossible for you? "
" Well, as I found in my neighborhood I'll start spreading the word among retailers. Who knows, maybe you do not jump out. And then, if you fails, it would keep with me. It 's so cute! "He said, finally, cuddling her little foundling.

In the next chapter: First day of school, Michael, new knowledge and disagreements first.


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