Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What Were The Names Of The Nina

Here is the second chapter.
I tried to make the relationship between Michael and Sendoh moltro brother, trying not to result in a clear OOC or make it look like her a Mary Sue.
I hope I succeeded.
always thank [info] akinera and [info] milady_earwen for betaggio.

2. Together again

Three train stops.
So we had taken Michael to reach the Ryonan from his home, though, had to admit it, then find it was not difficult (always easier than finding the length of his pants). Pass through the gates that leads into the courtyard of a typical Japanese high school, which faces a school building from typical Japanese high school and looked around, and the gym? Genius by Akira part of her appointment in a place not readily available to her, and for carelessness could very well be using one of the characters in Takahashi's manga.
noticed two students cross the courtyard and decided to take advantage of it, so he approached them, to see her, exchanged glances and giggles.
"Excuse me, can you tell me where the gym?" Asked the two, pointing to his right index finger before you run away, without stop giggling even for a second.
Here. That was precisely the attitude that he could not endure: that is good to meet a girl of six feet was not really something every day, especially in Japan, but because they had to treat it more like an alien?
Despite the unclear directions of the two, managed to find the building and, after having set foot, a feeling of nostalgia and déjà vu-the seized: hear the scrape of shoes on the parquet, the thud of the ball on the floor , the shouts of the players and see Akira while performing one of his exploits them back to mind their first meeting, the first time he had made a trip to Japan.
The words of the boy began to surface nicely, despite being pasati two years since Akira, over friendly, had approached her and began talking to her for no apparent reason.
"How tall are you?"
still remembered this question, put in a way so naive as to displace.
"A six-foot."
"Wow! You're the first person that I can finally look straight in the eye without having to look down! "
not remember the period of his life more beautiful. It mattered little that Akira, too busy basketball, not noticing his feelings, he was happy just standogli next; adored who passed the whole afternoon talking, never take a breath, or play basketball. Meanwhile, Akira
had intercepted a pass and, after a series of feints against the poor Koshino, had come from under the basket, he skillfully avoided Uozumi and threw the ball inside the ring of metal with a great dunk.
"Cursed ... because I'm your best friend, you at least save you some games with me," he complained to time Koshino, having stood at Sendoh a "brotherly" kick in the pants.
'E' so that I get. "He smiled slyly the lanky, seeing Michael in the meantime.
was not changed at all, always nice and always high. No, he was wrong. A look at rather, it was pretty much the last time: long blond hair just below her shoulders, who had taken the place of short bob and comfortable, gave her an air of more mature and more feminine. It was no longer the tomboy who had come to know, the little Miki had grown up.
"Hello." She smiled sweetly.

To celebrate the beauty in the arrival of Michael, Akira decided to take her to a place that was special for both, but everything you would expect, much less a basketball court. Since he had suffered
Combined rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament, collateral and meniscus in his left knee, had not touched a ball and now I really felt the lack.
"I hope you like the place." Said the number seven, showing the structure, which housed as many as three fields. "I thought you would like to continue, although at first we all feel a bit 'attention."
"Thank you, but you should not have, I do not ... I did not even dress right, and I have no protection for the knee. "regretted the girl.
"If this is the only problem, do not worry. Here are the only bashoes and I think that you are well supplied. For the rest, "he smiled, opening her bag and pulled out a bundle," remedy immediately. I hope you go well. "
When Michael opened this unexpected gift could not help but jump up and choke him with his friend a big hug. A brace for the knee! Without hesitating an instant if they tried. It was almost perfect.
"Now show me what you can do." The challenge then, passing the ball.

Although his movements were still very limited, could not remember ever having so much fun playing basketball, Akira was simply outstanding, both as a player, especially as a friend. At any time, any action sought to meet her, I try not to make too much effort, but it could be boring without her.
"I do not know about you, but I'm dying of thirst," confessed exhausted, and stopped to catch his breath.
"I'm sorry," apologized the girl, "now your coach you have squeezed like lemons and I'm practically forcing you to play."
"Do not take a shot that you have not." Chided affectionately Akira, 'if you wait here a moment, then I recover my revenge! "
" Okay! "
As soon as Michael was sure to be away from the gaze of the boy, took the ball in his hands and began to dribble, walking towards the basket, to the three-point line, then stopped and pulled to the left. The ball traced a perfect parabola and slipped elegantly into the basket. He picked up the ball and back again over the line three, weighed the ball over the head with his right hand and shot: a shot that ended less refined than the first against the inner portion of the ring, and then shoot out and fall back to earth with a big thud.
A mild discomfort in the knee forced her to stop. It was then that a voice never heard before caught his attention.
"Too bad, really nice shot." Complimented a young brown-haired and tanned skin. On his left cheekbone, near the eye, a small mole.
"Not really. Had it been a nice shot, would have come. "She answered, taking the ball back and pulling out the crescent, this time with the left. As expected, the ball went straight to the basket.
"Few people are able to make some throws so precise and elegant."
"It's not my case. For me it was just luck. "
The stranger picked up the ball and handed it to the blonde, who grabbed it.
"I'd like to play against you. A one-on-one. What do you say? "He suggested, but she did not have time to argue, because Akira joined them.
Just in time.
"I do not think that's the case, Maki. Not for now, at least. "
" Sendoh. Do not you think it would be polite to do the necessary presentations? "Scolded the captain of Kainan, with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Oh, yeah, sorry ... Maki Met Michael Belvedere. Miki, Maki Shin'ichi he is the captain of Kainan. "
That name rang in the girl's head as a warning: Akira had beset with this elusive master of Kainan in recent times during their phone calls, it was almost jealous.
"Akira I often talk about you. Pleasure. "Greeted him Then, pointing a bow.
"How about to challenge us, eh, Maki?" Ryonan player intervened, grabbing the ball and starting to dribble.
"Why not? It 's a really interesting perspective. "Nodded the number four. "And then, with an audience so, I could not refuse."
Michael watched as they played without those two words without sparing a single moment: it was really a clash of titans, so good to take your breath away to anyone who looked . Above all, no one wanted to cede any point, you were battling as if they were competing in the final World Championship. Feints, blocks, dunks. Whoever had been there at that moment might well have to trade that for a game between the NBA star.

"This time you got on well, but next I'll win," he asserted Akira, and all three came from the building.
"We'll see." Maki said, glancing at Michael, who, entranced, did nothing but compliment both.
"I had always thought that Akira would represent an exception in the landscape Japanese basketball. 'she said' Well, obviously I have to think again. It will be really fun to watch the championship. "
'In case it is a compliment?" Said the ace of Kainan.
"Sort of." Replied the girl, a hint of a smile. Then he stopped abruptly. "Oh, I forgot my jacket next to the field ... I'll be right '
The two boys watched the sport back in the building without saying a word. Not that they had much to say, in addition to basketball did not have other arguments in common of which could really argue. Nor was it yet time for the typical ritual phrases, like "it'll destroy", "will reduce you and your team to shreds" and so on ... and Michael was taking a bit 'too much.
"Congratulations, Sendoh! Really a nice girl. "Shin'ichi said, however, unexpectedly. "I did not think I was a lover of exotic charm."
"In what sense?"
"Sendoh, Sendoh, Sendoh ... sometimes your ingenuity I am surprised. You can see a mile away that you are together! "
'We what?" Asked Akira amazed.
He and Miki, together? It was just absurd! He would not never crossed the antechamber of the brain can stay with her. Never ever. A thought like that for him it was really inconceivable. Not that it was not pretty, though ... we would have been as engaged with his sister!
At that moment he remembered one of the last e-mail address, remember it as if he had read the night before.

I'm glad that you finally has decided to assign to feminine charm, Aki ... I'm sure she will reciprocate your feelings. The rest is more than normal people do not love you? You're the best person I have ever known solar, and even more reliable. Well, almost always ... I still remember your proverbial delays! But really, we all have quirks.
I know that sounds stupid now, but I can write such a thing, because I've tried all this first hand. You seem like a shock confession, but a bit 'of time I was in love with you.

When he read those lines had been pervaded by a profound sense of guilt. How could it not to have ever noticed?
Obviously she had tried not to let him weigh the matter. It is now water under the bridge, he said. Now they were really like brother and sister, held up in times of need, we trusted each other and, more importantly, prove that affection did not stop for a moment.
Maki's voice distracted him from his thoughts.
"Then I go." Said number four, making waved his hand.
"But Miki has not come back!"
"It's late, you salutamela." He said. he withdrew.
She went out a few minutes later.
"And Maki?"
"He had a bit of a hurry."
The two walked towards the house of Michael. They felt broken, but at the same time, they did not stop a minute to smile happily, it was nice to be together after so long.
"You know that Maki thought you were my girl?" Said Sendoh, circling its shoulders with his arm as they crossed an intersection.
"Really?" Asked the Italian. "Well, is not the first ..."
Suddenly a faint meow attracted the attention of the girl who ran into an alley, where a black kitten scared trembling in a corner, grabbed him gently and began ; to stroke, to make it calm down a bit '.
"Poor little thing ... you're so cold?" He said, hugging him.
not looked like a stray cat, it was too clean, had a collar but no tag. Akira
persuaded to accompany her to a veterinarian. Then, when he learned from them that the kitten was well fed and healthy, he decided to take him home.
"But you are not allergic to cats?" Asked the boy, once at the gate.
"Only when they are moulting. Anyway, I'll keep it until they find their real owners. "
" You know it's statistically impossible for you? "
" Well, as I found in my neighborhood I'll start spreading the word among retailers. Who knows, maybe you do not jump out. And then, if you fails, it would keep with me. It 's so cute! "He said, finally, cuddling her little foundling.

In the next chapter: First day of school, Michael, new knowledge and disagreements first.

Monday, May 26, 2008

How Do I Keep Table Pad From Sliding

Christmas Baby Tessssssssoro

A big kiss ....

Jenna Jameson Piercing?

Beautiful Stranger

My first small (and complete) effort.
I wrote this fanfiction on Slam Dunk a couple of years ago and is still published under the name of EFP nemes81, I have corrected several times, trying to improve it and this probably will not even nn version final. It 's like my thoughts, constantly changing and in motion.

author: Edvigelacivetta
beta [info] akinera (aka BellaLestrange)
rating: PG
genre: romantic comedy
warnings: what if, spoiler.
figures: Kaede Rukawa , new character, a bit 'all the others.
plot Kaede Rukawa has always lived his life according to the basket. And if anyone was worth to him as the sport he loves?
thanks: Akinera to me that this first short chapter and betato [info] milady_earwen I bear

1. Prologue

Michael, sitting on the edge of the bed (the only part not overrun with boxes and junk), stood still and watched an indefinite point on the floor, right next to port of what was his room for the next three years.
had always wanted to live in Japan, but now that his wish had come true, could not believe it, was confused and frightened by the experience all too new.
It seemed a dream, one of those hushed, surreal that at the wake they leave a bitter taste in the mouth.
The silence of the two-story house is completely empty, annoyed, as if reverberate powerfully in her ears.

In the throes of a strange feeling, a mixture of nostalgia for their country left behind and excitement for the new life that was waiting for, finally began to make a little 'more habitable what he immediately called his little cave.

In the next post, the second chapter : Michael meets an old friend .

Preperation H For Waist Measurement


Ginny BIRTHDAY .......


Dogs Hair Grows Back White

My tiny,

write stories. All this comes into my mind, my fanfiction and my ideas.
Everything will be kept here because I remember me and my dear Serbs.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Standing Long Tme Numbness In Leg

. __. Creative block mode * ON *

Bastaaa, I hate this capitolooo. XDD

Title: caught red-handed (chapter o6)
Fandom: tokio hotel
Torque: tom / bill
Prompt: 003.
end Rating: PG13 .

The moments of silence that followed were, in the ears of Tom, crashing more than it had been the annoying chatter of journalists up to a few seconds before, and the atmosphere that was created in the room was so unreal the whole world seemed to have slowed to stop at all, waiting for any claim someone did not help the fact that Tom's head were flocking to a range of scenarios, which ranged from the nuances the tragic catastrophic, and could not in any way to formulate a thought that had a semblance of common sense.
"What Bill means," somehow managed to explain Tom, overlooking the voices that barely had returned to create the room, his voice animated by hope and dall'incommensurabile amount of good that Bill wanted to - they were really the only two things that convinced him to, respectively, do not send to fuck everyone and not take kicks his brother bled to death - in an attempt to save the day. "Is that sometimes it seems really simplistic to diminish our relationship with that of fraternal affection : what does not imply anything about incest, not that. You can not explain what Bill and I, there are no words to do it: I think this is the great advantage of having a twin, as sometimes a person knows how to be extremely temperamental, spoiled and unbearable. "Attempted to defuse with a nervous laugh.
"Despite this," he continued. "The most annoying thing I see now is unbearable and the presumptuous attempt to want to put a label to our relationship. True, Bill? He smiled through gritted teeth, while under the desk, his foot was looking for his brother's leg, just in time to give up another kick, with the result that jump on the chair Bill, he had to strive to maintain a minimum of restraint and not get to whine in pain.
"E-exactly. "Muttered the dark in a low voice.
"Sorry, the frontman is now in full possession of his mental faculties. "Tom went on, the light tone. "You know, after being accused of being gay, anorexic and suicidal, you can well understand that it is not nice to feel even said to have a relationship with his brother. "
" If you have any questions, we would have ended here. Thank you all. "Concluded the guitar standing up and having to make efforts to pull considerable weight twin, who seemed to be finished in a catatonic state. No reporter
said anything, people too busy to wonder if he really had not exaggerated their articles - is still talked of little more than two teens, after all - who careless, pondered on the monologue quietly Tom, interrupted occasionally by the gesture furious hands of the vocalist and microphone stuck up the thread of the tap on the table by her statement and nervous, almost out of place, wondering what really boil in a pot and planning a series of ambushes in strategic corners to shed light on the matter.

'Bill, dear . "Chirped David, mellifluous voice, once through the throng of screaming fans - how the hell had heard of conference? , he asked himself mentally - that had formed in front of the building and set in motion the machinery. "If there is something that rewards you for telling me? "
Every single word coming out of the mouth of the manager exuded, syllable after syllable, pure poison, and, literally, was asking the question that the vocalist could be translated as a you, emerita asshole that you are nothing, you'd better give me a plausible explanation for your outputs brilliant, if you do not want to tie his arms and legs, you gagged with a piece of parcel tape and then you throw in a dark alley in a meal to a hungry pack of stray dogs, before you make me lose a lot more money than you're worth actually .
"No." He muttered Bill head down, his head tilting to the right and beginning to stare out the window.
"What, pray? "Asked the surprised man, threatening to stop a car in the parking lot exit maneuver.
"I said no, dear David . "She repeated in a louder voice, using his own cloying tone.
"So let me understand well: you just came out with a statement that suicide bombers only God knows how much it will cost the band in front of dozens of magazines and representatives of the most watched TV channel in Germany and around and, even so, You have nothing to say. "
" Exactly. "
"Tom, tell him something. "
" What do you tell him? "Asked the churches, which in turn stared at the window opposite, with a voice that strove to maintain a controlled tone, but in reality the apparent ill-concealed resignation. "I hope you realize that he was a dickhead, but now held a grudge and will be inaccessible for hours because the conference did not go as he wanted. But, of course , through no fault of his. "
" You two, 'muttered the manager, fixed by the mirror and seeing them sitting at opposite ends of the machine, each with its head turned towards his window. "You're impossible. "

'End is the end. "Tom had barely time to close the bedroom door of the hotel that had already begun to lose his temper at a constant speed which is close to that of light, self-control that both had pledged to maintain during ' interview had already gone completely now.
He was only a desperate need to vent anger, but, ironically, the most effective way to dissolve the nerves coincided with the reasons for which he appeared with his brother on the cover of every tabloid in Germany and was now risking defamation and the attached disbanded, with careful reflection, in short, was best avoided.
Bill, on the other hand, had continued to not utter a word and had thrown himself on the bed, burying his head under the pillow: if he did so in the throes of remorse or because he wanted to sulk with Tom, this was unknown.
"Bill, damn, you talk, sooner or later! "Tom snorted in exasperation, grabbing the pillow and hurled across the room.
"Not now. "Bill muttered softly, pressing his face on the mattress.
"When Bill, when ? "Asked the Major. "Now or twenty minutes, what's the difference? Do not change anything, get stuffed air on the bed. "
" So what? Let things do not change. "Said the dark, turning to face his brother. He pressed so hard on the mattress by leaving the signs of make-up on the sheet, and the remaining eyes was completely ruined: drooling on all sides, making it so ridiculous that if the situation was not so damn critical, it would be had to laugh . "We do not know everything, people will forget it. "
" Oh, yes, it is not at all suspicious. "Tom said sarcastically, approaching the front door. "In fact, I'll go tell David that we take six months holiday, so people will forget us! I believe that will make you jump for joy. "
" If you had not pulled out the story of misunderstanding, we do not now-"
" You're right, Bill, now would not be here! "Dry said he, interrupting her brother. "We made worse than they already are not! I do want to understand the victim-"A insistent knock knock on the door stopped him, her hand already resting on the handle, opened the door unceremoniously. "What? He asked, annoyed, confronted the remaining half of Tokio Hotel: one that had not been accused of illicit relationship with his brother, just to understand each other.
"Quiet, quiet! Not so nice! "Georg said, raising his arms in surrender and entering the room with the drummer, who was anxious to close the door more quietly than they had had Tom to open it. "We will not kill anyone ... Wow, Bill, did you run over by a truck? "Jeered ironic, indeed deeply pleased to see that even the almighty front-man, currently untidy hair and makeup shattered, sometimes descending into the world of mortals and gave no sign of being able to have even a semblance of humanity.
Without bothering to answer, Bill jumped up and flung himself into the bathroom, trying to regain a modicum decorum.
"Permalosetta, Princess today. "Muttered the bassist, his eyebrow arched as he watched Bill disappear in the maze of the bathroom, slamming the door. With a smile, then turned to the other twin. "My warmest congratulations for the interview: very, very dramatic. Never thought of doing the front-man job? "
" Oh, fuck. "Muttered Tom, the increasing nuisance, throwing down on the bed. "Bill is giving head and I do not know why I'm still listening to him and I have not killed. "
" I love to do it too, no? "We laughed over Georg, a principle cause of myocardial guitarist. "You could tell us that you were drunk! As if we had not already seen it in all colors ... "
" What! "Shouted the twins simultaneously, in particular Bill, and if, in fact, the bathroom door was initially served to cushion the casino, when he had opened wide, her hair still frizzy and only the left eye makeup, her shrill voice was not slow to show in all its pride.
"When you are drunk, joking? "Another laugh escaped the bass player who seemed to find the situation very funny. "There unglued from each other not to die! "
" What, pray? 'Gasped Bill, while Gustav was another sign of silence, but it did not seem to catch the signal.
"Yes! You then go full speed you up: you rustle up your brother like a scratchers! "
" What, pray? "Tom was, this time to repeat the question, attempts to stop the drummer George, meanwhile, became more insistent.
"You do not have the slightest idea ! Not to mention that night in Nancy: You were so crazy that at some point you have started-"
" Georg! "Snapped Gustav exasperated after throwing a look at the twins, the faces of both almost completely colorless, except for the yellowish tinge that certainly was not reassuring. "I do not think they wanted to know. "
And, as usual, the drummer was right that eluded him, however, was the fact that the two were dwarfed by the immorality of what they had done and the horrific thought of having touched his brother in not exactly a fraternal , the fault was the embarrassment of being found out about doing it in front of someone, after so many fine words about privacy, now discovered that whenever we did a couple of drinks too much, could not not even to get their hands on. How often and how much dick had gone in there without remembering?
"I ... Di Non .. We ... You ... 'In a vain attempt to find some excuse to make sense, Bill began to gasp, and suddenly the blood began to flow, focusing heavily on the cheeks and ears, now red as tomatoes. His face purple, and without an excuse, he ran back into the bathroom and barricaded inside you, click the that followed gave him to understand that it was locked inside with a key.
"No, not again ... "Muttered Tom stunned, looking up to heaven.
"If you take it? "Georg asked, his eyes fixed on the bathroom door.
"What do you say? Retorted Gustav, stating the obvious.
the discretion of our psychologist in part, "replied the drummer" to the point where we came first, is: if we can do something, anything for the band, we will. We have not even going to stop playing because some paparazzi can not keep my digital camera in your pocket, the fact that you two reckless, than we will talk when the waters have calmed down. Why you should know that we'll talk. "
" Thank you. "Tom sighed, knowing that when Gustav promised - or in this case threatened - something, then surely he would remember, when everything would be over - unless they were finished their jail before - would have had to put up one of the famous drummer of the paternalistic, before which even the reproach of David seemed friendly chat. "I think I have a brother scastrare the bathroom now. "
The two took their leave, and as soon as the door closed, Tom exhaled a sigh of relief no doubt: it was the end. Gustav was not convinced of their behavior, and it would be extremely difficult to dissuade. The drummer had always fucking reason, and knew even then resent.

probably a few hours had passed since Tom, after giving up his brother to pray to get out of the bathroom, it was placed the door and sat in front of us, falling asleep after half an hour of waiting: for this reason, did not notice that Bill had unlocked the bathroom door until it fell at his feet and clapped a sound head on the floor with no carpets . Shutter opening his eyes, crossed them with those of Bill, who seemed busy with all of himself in order not to see what was really upset and felt like crying in the back of the bathtub.
"Ouch. 'He muttered, not moving about and running a hand through his dreadlocks to alleviate the pain.
"Sorry. "Bill murmured, not knowing if he was asking for forgiveness for having done or falling to the ground for his behavior. A bit 'for both, perhaps.
"Nothing. "The Major said, not taking his eyes off him, almost expecting to see him burst into tears at any moment. "We talk about? "Finally managed to ask, making richiudesse courage and praying that the bathroom door, because if he did, he would cut off the head from the neck of the net.
'... Ok. "Said the dark, not even trying to pretend to have desire. By making half-hearted, climbed over the brother, without even bothering to give him a hand, and sank down on the bed.
Tom snorted, got to his feet: ok, Bill was certainly party with the best intentions, but at least now agreed to talk. With a little 'luck, it was the right time to be able to pull off some decent plan. Toc toc. Or maybe not, it was not.
'Who the fuck is that? "Muttered Tom, who, being already on the road, opened the door, had also become the gatekeeper, now?
"Your fucking manager who is trying to save his ass. "David said, entering.
"Ok, a few ceremonies. "He continued, standing at the end of the corridor that crosses the small room. "Pack your bags, spun Loitsche tomorrow morning. "
" Because, excuse me? "Asked Tom, puzzled.
"Why do I need to have you out of the ball while trying not to lay all in the trunk. And, apparently, your public actions bring more trouble than anything else. "
" Okay. "Bill said, interrupting her brother who was about to open his mouth and that doing so would certainly have started to fight with David, and had no desire to spend the next fifteen minutes trying to divide them.
"Thanks," said the manager, backtracking. "Yet, a pair of neurons have them working again. "Low blow.
passed in front of Tom, who glared at him, and, muttering a At seven in the lobby ready , left the room, closing the door.
If Tom believed that his nervousness had reached a limit, when he had to change his mind, turning her eyes to turn to his brother, he saw in his eyes, in addition to all the hysteria and despair, irrefutable dose of complacency.
"Have you seen? The holidays have it on anyway. Every so often I'm right too. "Watched with haughty air.
He would never confess it aloud, but, for once in life, George had been right: she loved him too much to kill him. And that was good, because, otherwise, in addition to two years in prison for incestuous relationship, in that instant they would add at least another twenty for murder culpable.

Friday, May 9, 2008

What Stores Have Layaway 2010

rosa_nera69 @ 2008-05-09T21: 39:00

Per una grande amica ..
Buon compleanno

Friday, May 2, 2008

Movement Sensor Diagram

I do solemnly swear that I'll never write more stuff like that. u_u '

Title: forever walking alone
Fandom: Tokio Hotel
Torque: tom / bill
Prompt: 030. death
Rating: PG-13

and December snows, to Loitsche. It's cold, is pretty damn cool. Do not you leave the house for "a walk", but this is the excuse that you have served up to yours, and they pretended to believe. To you, the cold does not care: Do not you feel it more now. You no longer feel the wind blowing against you, making you eyes water; you no longer feel the snowflakes that you settle in your hair and insistence on the jacket, so wide that you could easily do from the deck. No, you do not hear anything.
Stay there, sitting on the grass, infringing jeans that mush that is not snow, and that your mother will be hell to hair, when they put in the washing machine, you stay there, sitting on the grass, leaning with back to the stone, however, the devil does the hair come to you. It is bare, bare: there is a name written on it. There is his name written on it. Bordered by a boundary of brass, over which there is a picture that does not makes it justice at all: he was not so, that's not her smile, there is nowhere near. Further down, just above the edge of the frame, in the right corner, there are two dates: continue to haunt us, undaunted. That's your life, and that of your death. Numbers are just numbers, I tell you thousands and thousands of times in the head but they are a tangible, unequivocal. They are there, in stone, and continue to be to slap in the face that takes you back to reality, making you constantly aware that there is no going back. But you'd like, all right: you would like to get on his knees, picking up a box of colors, as you did children, and pull a Rigacci above on that date. The cancellation, line upon line, as you did when you did not like how I drew the face of the mother, and all would be resolved. That date would never have existed, and now I'll still have all the time in the world before. Would you have time to laugh, to play, to go around clubs and the small hours, to argue and then make peace. But it does not work like that, you know.
mumbled something, the items covered by the collar of the vest that hold up to the cheeks, and you wonder even when the words will come out with a spontaneity and a carefree childhood elementary school: you do not tremble as the throat, when you're there, and do not know whether to be relieved or if dovertene despair. Speaks for itself, speak for hours, as you always have the arm moves, calm, and the hand touches up and down the contours of the stone, and automatic in the same way it was done on his arm if he had been there with you: you do not realize the fingertips and knuckles almost white with purple because of the wind. Go on, undaunted, talking and talking, smiling at some memory, and even respond to the questions that you alone, if necessary, laughing, when you make some silly joke, and your own laughter echoes in my ears as if you were someone else: is unstressed, high-pitched, almost annoying. It is not a laugh , think, laugh and thought that even more, yet more shrill, crying because you have no more strength. And you feel guilty, you feel so fucking guilty, why should you cry, you cry until you splash your eyes bulging, why would you show a damn bit of compassion and instead all you know to do is sit on the grass laughing and talking to himself like a moron.
"A year ago today," you say suddenly, recovering from hysterical laughter and fake so acute that we even have pinched the vocal cords. You do not know how to go forward, you do not know what to say; today is one year from when? Since you're dead sounds too rude; since you left me sounds pathetic and victim; since I stopped living , yes, if you are looking for a way to make him feel guilty, then it is the right phrase; since you're gone can go well: it is neutral, not accusing anyone, should not take offense.
Return to Parliament also in that speech that you wanted to tackle more than ten months, but you've never had the balls to start. Tell him that you miss, you say that's not his fault, tell him you love him, and when you're going to get to the point, you stop. Not your fault, it is he who has stopped you: you ask how are the others, and let you lose the argument and began an account of what happened this year.

David? David is the neurotic asshole that has always been and always will be. It was not insensitive, not that. He understood that you were missing, he realized he was a shot for you irreparable harm. He understood, yes, but it did not make it to an understanding person. A month has given you a month to recover: You understand this? Of course you shouted insults against all possible, when you refused to replace it with some stranger. Was not spared in insults, arrived even threatened to cite in court, if I left it all before the expiry of the contract, due to sky, the contract has expired eight months ago. He literally put his hands in his hair, when he realized how sick were you doing, how you made a crap without him. You have finished the tour, and then you loose. I hope if they are enjoying to the last, his money of shit, "muttered looking back at your ex-employer.

Gustav and Georg? Do not you hear them more often, and it is enough to make you get in the groove guilt. They tried to help, I have always been close, but you've thanked them and told them that you could not do anything. Since that day, just keep all three together in the same room was unbearable: he was missing, and the emptiness he felt more than in any other situation. There were no more Tokio Hotel and there were no more dreams and hopes of four boys, there was no more laughter, jokes and teasing. There were only three persons in one room, one of which refused even to speak and to be approached. Them, they have realized that yes: you have left all over the world time to recover, and they told you that when ever I needed it, you always could count on them. Do you see them again, once a week, but the circumstances are not the best, start a conversation on his grave, while one of the flowers is based, is not exactly what you need to return to renew the relationship you had before.

Andreas? Did not let go even for a second. At first, if I had the strength, you'd driven from your house to kick your ass: no one ever went, spent weeks without coming home, sometimes you find him in bed when you woke up together, and threw it down badly, the other side. He smiled, and said that you had done it only because I kept turning over in his sleep, crying. Even now, from time to time, you wake up in the middle of the night and leave the house, cross the road and go to him and he always welcomes you with open arms, even when you do not deserve. He is always there, but it is not him that you need. And know this, but try to take his place: If we consciously or not, this is not clear. He does not care if you only if you're really depressed or whims: Do not think twice to give you a couple of slaps when you say shit, and now you have even lost count of how many times the red outline of his hand you will be printed cheeks, and when, every damn time, remained staring open-mouthed, his hand on the cheek to cover the redness, I replied that he, in his place, would do the same. And you make you cry and you dive into his arms, although that is not the hug you need. Andreas is the only person on earth that you are doing something really useful, and you, however, continue to give concern about the worry, all the remaining days sitting near the stone, snow, rain, hail, or whatever.

Dad? Can not you see more do not know how. He does not care about you, as you do not care anything about him, he has come to see you a couple of times after that day, and in none of these occasions proved to be a good father. The first time you saw it, was at his funeral was there, sitting in one of the first bench, head down and fully dressed, but you could not tell if he really was sorry, not that that day you are able to understand much, in general. In confusion of those memories, you think you've seen talking with Mom, but do not know what those are. It also came from you, you said something, then you shook hands and hugged you: cold, uncaring. That's all I remember the embrace. The second time was when you had to spend the New Year with him and his girlfriend was not at all a party exemplary, indeed, ended in chaos. He knew how you were, indeed, probably did not know, because to him, you and your brother never cared too much. We gave the ball to the foot, when you refused to come down for dinner, gave you the child, when he saw you cry, and has even tried to give you a slap in the face when you tell them to get their dicks. You yelled at him, you called him of all the colors at the end, I have sent a fuck, you went out, slamming the door and you shot through Hanover, you are looking for a taxi back home. Since that day, he no longer dared to turn up.

Mom and Gordon? They do not make anymore. Mother is hopeless; Gordon does is spend his time to console her. Have you been a disappointment, a huge disappointment, were you the only child they have, and instead make them happy, even if you act like you existed anymore. Mom has tried in every way to get back, and even now is struggling to love you and believe that sooner or later back to normal. He is worried to death, you've almost made you a nervous breakdown, when did you stop talking, and when did you stop eating, then, did not know how to make out. He tried to calm down, but the sight of yet another flat left without even being touched by your cheeks and almost blue because of all the slaps you that Andreas had trimmed, no longer has cancer. It was ironically funny that evening was to see you, he would put two good laugh. You, curled up in bed, my cheeks purple rivulets of tears streaming down your face, Andreas, you yelled back, yelling that he did not want to hear more take out the argument, and the mother, who, with the plate still in hand, had dropped to the ground and had to forcibly remove Andreas, dragging him down the stairs and thrown out of home, all while yelling at breakneck speed that no longer had to put to touch you. The next day, you found yourself on the couch of a psychoanalyst skin of Magdeburg. Even now we go once a week, but it's just a waste of money, you understand it yourself at home you must be cheerful, happy and peaceful. The part of the chant, but not enough: the smiles are increasingly stretched, his eyes growing glassy, and the excuses to go out every day at the usual time less and less credible.

You? You're not as neither good nor evil. You have arrived to a state of apathy so advanced that you suck alone; you look in the mirror and wish you only break your face: you've tried the first few times, but the third and fourth bandaged hand mirror changed in about a week, the sink has become off-limits. You know you should stop complaining, because if he could give you even more blows than you do not already have data Andreas, you know you should try to go forward, because if he could you say that you're an idiot, and started to fight. But you also know that you can not do with it for a reason, because if he could at this time you were with him in a hotel room and you'd be so busy with his kisses do not even hear the voice Saki stressed that tells you that you will be late to the next interview, you know your world has completely stopped, because if he could be with you backstage at some local ran a hand through his hair, blown on the neck and tell you that I will never leave. And instead, he left you, and how if you left.

And, come to that point, return the argument that we had to stop first, and say you're sorry. Do you mind, I'm sorry, and I'm sorry, you can think of thousands of words to say to him, all meaningless. Ask him if he remembers their promise, and you say you're sorry, the memories that you had to go away together, that if one of you was gone, the other would follow him without flinching, and yet you're sorry; to apologize because you could not follow him, because you had a fucking afraid to kick the bucket, and I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry ; you sorry for not having the courage to die, and I regret even more because you did not even have the courage to live and you're a fucking asshole that does not even have the balls to drop everything and go by the one person who means to you everything.
you afraid that he is no longer there, you fear that you went away now not solve anything, because you are no longer together, you wonder why you stopped believing in God if you had continued, Perhaps now you would have the certainty that he is really up there somewhere, that you are watching and waiting for you, however, does not even have that belief, and you're still there, nailed to the ground staring at the plaque and think that there ' is nothing for you that it's over, you're talking to himself like an idiot and that nobody, nobody you are listening while you continue to repeat Tom, I love you , sobbing tears and great if you thought that it finished back down on that fuckin abundant stone slab that separates you.