Monday, December 10, 2007

Doujin Naruto Futanari

I suck me alone, so they are so fickle! TT
capitatemi Despite all the ups and downs (not true, just an apology), after sun (and I stress only ) six weeks, I had to force myself to write something for the BDT to Tomi und Billa.
x_x No, as usual, did not come out as I volvo. BWHAAAA. ~ _ ~

(please, this is due to listening repeatedly 's nothing like before of devilish. It is useless, I am the voice of Bill stramorire! * W *)

Title: 's nothing like before
Fandom: Tokio Hotel
Torque: tom / bill
Prompt: 010. years
Rating: G
Notes: nothing to report. XD

If Kaulitz house had entered the top ten of the most boisterous throughout Germany when the twins had developed a huge passion for music, was able to effortlessly earn the top spot when they were Devilish formed: there was only one minute of the afternoon when the garage of the house did not hear the sound of bass, guitar and drums that played a disproportionate volume until it was abruptly interrupted by the hostess who brought the complaints of the entire neighborhood. The only thing really missing the rehearsals for the band to be considered as such was the singer.

was after just three weeks after the birth of the band and Bill Kaulitz, the singer also known as Devilish, was experiencing one of the many periods of his life no. Locked in the bathroom, brush a mo 'with a microphone in his right hand and pinned the score with the words on the left, was taking all his concentration to be able to follow the rhythm of the song, two floors below, the rest of the group was trying.
For three weeks in that part, there had been only one test that had participated in practice, not because he did not go the idea of the band, far from it. Had himself been to propose, entranced, to his brother to form a group, and Tom had even accepted the idea with much less enthusiasm than they had him.
The main issue was that the only person who had ever heard him sing was, precisely, Tom, to say that he did not feel at all comfortable in front of an audience would be an understatement, as the would be terribly embarrassed to say that the idea of singing also accompanied by Gustav and Georg.
As if the massive dose of insecurity was not enough, there was also another insurmountable problem: the relentless hyperactivity of Bill. It was not his fault, nor did it on purpose, but he could not sit still in one position for more than a tenth of a second: that, during the duets with his brother, obtained in an impromptu dance around the room, accompanied by giggles Tom, who wasted no time to criticize and make fun of. And it bothered him somewhat: be criticized by their twin was a normal thing, but just the thought of being teased by other people was highly demotivating.
And so, they were three weeks that the neo-twelve's locked up in the bathroom almost every sacred afternoon, victim of his own mental masturbations. But

because the volume of the instruments was high, it was physically impossible to keep perfect time, two-story away: in fact, the mistakes were on the agenda, and each of them followed an uninterrupted stream of expletives. And they were only the first ten minutes of evidence.
"... However, now is ..." began to hum, after yet another round of insults, continued, meanwhile, to scurry to and fro with the rhythm of the drums "... Nothing's like before, nothing's like befo-ooo- "
" Stoni terribly. 'Leaning against the doorway, watching him Tom, undecided be able to blame if serious or laugh in his face burst into "Do not follow at all the time, which does not surprise me, since it is a miracle than you can even hear the music and, above all, you're still a bad dancer. "
'TOM! "Turn around and shooting stopped in the middle of his choreography, Bill stared at him, the hand with the brush still in the air and his left foot resting on the edge of the pool" You want me to be a heart attack ?! "
" To end up with a singer died? No, thanks: we already have a singer absentee, and I think this is enough. "Puffing, Tom had literally pierced at a glance saying "if I have three weeks to explain why you sit in the bath instead of being below us, spend the rest of your life in a way so unbearable that you pray for death every fucking day."
"Tomi. "Sitting on the edge of the tub, Bill had tried unsuccessfully to avoid the dirty looks and took a deep breath," I suck. "
" Eh? "Tom had closed the door es'era approached, sedendoglisi next" Who are you and what have you done with my little brother unbearable frantic and optimistic? "
" Tom, really. "He had escaped a smile, but soon came back restless gaze, intent staring at the floor while wringing his hands nervously. "I can not sing, I can not take the time and I can not move. I suck. "
'Bill. "He took a deep breath, looking for words to say" Do not you ever worried about these things: do not sing badly, managed to keep the time if only I were not half a world away while we play and ... ok, you may not be a classical dancer, but it is not true that you can not move. Perhaps, you move just a bit ... ' too. "
" Stone continuously, I can not remember and I never remember the words. I try to sit still, but I feel a fool, if I move, I look like a fool anyway. I do not want. I do not want to think that Georg and Gustav is a fool. That band was stupid idea, we should just stop, "
" Ok, enough. "Tom had stopped in a tone decidedly not reassuring" Bill, listen to me. You never cared about what others think, you always have your head: what's different now? Sing as if we were alone, if that's bothering you. "
" That's the problem: we are not alone ... "the words had come out in the form of grumbling.
"For heaven's sake. "Puffing again, this time to try to keep calm, had grasped his nose to force it to look into his eyes, "Listen to me. And look at . We should not shoot a video for VIVA, the idea of the band was born just for fun: give it a try, just once. If you do not like it, send to hell with everything and forget it. But first, for God's sake, turn up your ass dancer from the tub, get out of the bathroom and participate in the tests. "Getting up, he grabbed Bill's hand and pulled him up" And fregatene: If you say that can not dance, tell them that they suck to play. "He added with a smile.
"Tomi ..." dragged to the bathroom door, Bill had stopped a moment to fix her brother, who looked at him quizzically, "Thank you. "
" Duty, I suppose. 'As a response to thank you, he simply shrugged and had opened the bathroom door.
They had just made a couple of steps, that Bill had already stopped again.
"Tomi. "He repeated, unsure. Staring again perplexed brother, had cleared his throat. "I can ... I can sing for you? "
" Whatever. "Tom had replied, moving his eyes and down the stairs. "As long as you move. "

had passed years from the time when the Devilish invited in the garage, but, nevertheless, were certain habits die hard.
A Bill Kaulitz now eighteen, also known as the lead singer of Tokio Hotel, a band of international renown, was intent on going through the lyrics for the show would be held not later than one hour: Closed to the bathroom, in fact, was trial and error the whole lineup, while waved in front of the mirror.
The impeccable performance, however, was abruptly interrupted by the slamming of the door and the resulting cue the singer.
"Scheisse! "Cursing, he shot a glance towards the door, ready to play anyone of insults he had done wrong.
"Sh, the good singers do not swear. "Tom, laughing, observed in all its loveliness his brother, in one of his stupid poses.
"TOOOM! You made me sbagliareeee! 'Whining, Bill was dropped from the toilet seat, above which its was studying ballet.
"I regret, sir, but I have come to remind you that it is time for your public appearance ..." still chuckling, Tom had half bow 'so, get a move that otherwise do not start without you. "
" Tomi, nooo! I'm not ready, I have not tried hard enough! "Bill had clung to her brother's arm, looking for comfort," And if Stone? And if I go out of time? And if I forget the words? Not vogliooo! "
" Bill, please . "In reply, Tom had tried to scrollarselo off" For years, you kind of scenes for each show, you're not tired? "
" No. "he replied promptly, taking out the language 'I want you to support me. I want you to encourage me. Do your duty! "
" Biiill! "Unfortunately for Tom, his complaints were nothing compared to those of his brother. "You know I'll be fine. Everything has always gone well, and will be fine this time too ... blah, blah, blah. Shall we go? "
" Mh ... "staring in the mirror one last time, looking for possible adjustments to make, Bill nodded," Tomi. "He added, After a moment, looking away from the mirror "... I keep singing for you. "
" I know. "Tom smiled, then pulled him by the arm and pushed him out of the bathroom" Now move, before the fans there sbranino. I'm still of the opinion that a singer who died there to serve anything. "


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