Friday, February 11, 2011

Singapore Scholl Shoes

Try to come to me before the winter

4:21 Affrettati a venire prima dell 'inverno - be sure to come to me before the winter
(written in Italian in the second epistle of the Apostle Paul to Timothy)
sure to come see me soon (in Russian)
... When you go, bring the chasuble, which I left at Troas with Carpus, and the books, especially the parchments.

I tried to write Paul (board, tempera, wax) and that's what happened:

The earliest image of the Apostle Peter and Paul

found not so long ago the image of the Apostle Paul in the catacombs of Santa Tecla in Rome

church built on the spot death of the Apostle Paul in Rome in autumn 1964 -67 year. The church is the pillar on which according to tradition the Apostle Paul usekli head (As a Roman citizen). He was about 60 years.
"Identikit" the Apostle Paul:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Business Object Scheduler

OS - OS Weihnachtsgeist

title Weihnachtsgeist
author: loulou71
genre: romantic-AU

<br/><a href="" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a>

Creative Commons License

I'm really nervous today.
On Christmas Eve I've always hated. All the bustle of dinner, the family, the screams of children, excited when they open gifts, have always irritated me.
will now six years since I left home, celebrating more than Christmas, and frankly I never missed, and all this euphoria me sick. I left
my colleagues at work to drink champagne and gobbling of panettone, also hoping that choked, but not to see more 'their faces, happy and dumb.
''What the hell can never have this holiday so special?''I grumbled to myself.
quickly picked his way home. I could not wait to take a shower and I relaxed on my couch to watch me some movies, hoping to not have to put up with always the same brown cartoons mast step.

I went into the house, slamming the door and fiondai the bathroom to get some 'peace under running hot. When I returned in the lounge, I was perfumed, dressed in pajamas and with a better pizza in my hands.
I spent the evening drinking beer and bored to death and then slowly I felt sleep take possession of me, and let me drag up into the arms of Morpheus. ''One more day to endure and we would return to normal''

I was awakened by some noise coming from the kitchen. With a little bit 'of fear I went.
who had opened the refrigerator?
I leaned over the bar and saw a baby. He had lively brown eyes, dark blond hair, light skin and mouth waste chocolate. Caught red-handed, pick 'the finger, blame, and hid it behind his back.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hey kid, what the hell are you doing here?>> My deep voice shook, and his lower lip tremble, 'as if it were about to burst into tears.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;No, stop, do not cry! What's your name? >> I exclaimed, trying to control my nerves.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;My name is Bill ... I>> answered in a trembling voice.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ok Bill, you've missed? Where is your mother?>> I tried to understand how it came into the house, saw that the door was locked, and went to check it had stayed.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tomi, I do not Shono Shono garden Additional me but you.>> I looked dazed, did not understand what he meant?
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Excuse me?>> At this point I thought I was doing a dream, or rather a nightmare since the brats do not tolerate them.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Shono came to aiutalti. Shono Bill, the schpilito Christmas passhato.>> I looked at him in amazement.
Then he came 'to me and asked me to drop jumping up to it: when I did those big eyes stared at me and his hand will support' to gently caress my cheek and then linger on my nose and squeeze hard. It did not seem to have such a force, but squeezed his eyes to the pain and a cacciai urletto.
When I opened them I found the little Bill a few inches from his face.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;little brat that you are nothing, but as you let?>> I took him to small shoulders and shook him slightly.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Felm Tomi, guadda ...>> I turned around and what I saw left me breathless. We were no longer 'at home, but at the gates of a school!
still did not understand if it was all a dream, and especially because the little brat had brought me in front of the school I attended as a kid and I hated the nth degree.
The bell sound 'and students came out of creating a great confusion between shouting and shoving. I tried to look my classmates. I recognized some, it was past time.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Shei seasoning, Tomi?>> The evil little boy, you cling 'to my jersey and pull' to get noticed.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Stop pulling me to the ruins, and then no! I'm not happy to be here, take me home UNDERSTAND?>> I had just finished shouting that''the little monster,''beginning 'whining, moaning, sobbing and tears.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Bad Tommino>> exclaimed, 'then dealt a punch to the thigh, rather than angry.
Even if the children could not suffer them, just that blond elf crying, my body rebelled making me feel a deep vacuum and suck the soul. But after all these years, I had not yet lost my soul, my conscience? Yet I did everything to put it to rest, after the endured bitter disappointments in the professional and above all emotional. I tried apologizing to remedy, even if it clumsily ... was no longer 'in my habit to do so.
His face lit up 'with a smile.

before my eyes as a scene was taking place in an old movie ...

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Idiot, look at the combine, you can not even walk? >> A guy had just tripped one another, too immersed in her reading to notice.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Forget the frocietto Mark, do not want to get some disease right?>> The butt of consumer jokes
were bastards. His books were scattered everywhere on the asphalt. I went to help him. I tried to grab a book, but I was incapace.Mi then turned to the little Bill and I saw him shrug and a lip-sync with his lips''and''can not see you when I turned to the boy, I found myself some centimeters from her face, sinking in a sea of hot chocolate that were his irises. I have not been able to control it scostai slightly, my eyes, found himself 'to fix those rosy lips and slightly moist boy. I shook my head as to return to me and peered closely.

That face? Those eyes, those lips, they seemed so familiar myself?

Little Bill came up 'and took her fingers a few of my dread. I caress them 'trying to cheer and then with a gesture unpredictable, shooting them' very surprised. I found myself cast in a thick fog, without the devil at your fingertips. Where he had hunted again? I would have gladly taken spanked ...
Finally, the fog dissipated and opened my mouth and my heart missed a beat
The boy, from thin and delicate features, was my first kiss.

It happened during a silly game, I was reliving that at that instant.
After losing a bet, I pledge to pay without being able to refuse to do so.

William Kaulitz, he was a boy often targeted, because of its strangeness. Her hair was dyed black, straight as a porcupine and was always rigged with a little pencil in occhi.Tutti mocked him, gave him the gay, for her looks always very attentive and careful, even his nails were black enamel and treated. Sometimes they called zombie because of his thinness and his pallor. He had made many friends and still seemed to live in a world all its own.
attended the same class. At the time I was a kid I would always rather grumpy and trouble, although I must admit that whenever the people harmed either physically or verbally, I felt very annoyed. See him now makes me a strange effect.
If only my heart ended pressing in my chest, I would be able to understand what is happening to me?

games as kids ... idiots ...

friends from school waited to see the trap in place steals my kisses. When I look back I see myself as a perfect idiot - after William I had never done anything - but the pledge was not to escape Tom Trumper. I have never pulled back in no time and before a challenge even less.
I had approached him and when he looked up to see me better, I had grasped his waist, I had close to me with strength and my lips had taken possession of her forthwith. I saw her eyelids like butterfly wings flapping, completely lost, and when My hand had crept into her hair to deepen the hot shoe of our mouths, wet contact of our languages, gave a groan in my arms and I moved away I was flushing. He must be all a game, I learn that I was pleasantly confused that kiss ...

When I turned, my heart in turmoil, I tried once with his eyes the little Bill. I patted his lips with the feeling that he still has in his mouth sweet flavor. Despite the years I always had the impression that memory of me and when I crossed the eyes of the lively little guy's stomach twitched. Eerily resembled those of William. I called him by that name, be sure that naughty brat, but I was really dizzy and I found myself in my room lying on the sofa.

I jumped up and turned to the house nervously. What was happening to me, because I had this silly dream? And especially because I was shocked and my heart was beating at a breakneck speed?
I went upstairs to give me a refreshing face. I threw cold water on his face and I wiped it carefully with a 'clean towel.
When I saw my reflection in the mirror, Startled. Behind was a beautiful dark boy staring at me smiling.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello Tom, are Bill, the spirit of this ...>> My legs gave way and slipped on the tiles ...


A hand me help 'to get up and when I was completely straight, my eyes rested on her figure. He was a boy of my age, with long hair, blacks, and combed straight back. His eyes were loaded with black pencil, and her eyelids with an eyeshadow the same color. I paused a moment on his lips were bright, due to a thin layer of gloss that makes your mouth fleshy and sensual. Strangely, it reminded me of someone ... and my heart repeatedly agitated between ribs, I could not explain why.

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Come with me, Tom?>> Hill and talking 'his long, tapering fingers on my eyes and took off when I found myself in a park.
I walk away 'slightly to give way to a man who would step' next.
But that man was me, engaged in jogging end of the day!
The park was crowded with people, because in the summer and at dusk we often lingered outside, is to enjoy the cool evening, and for the very pleasant and romantic atmosphere. I saw several couples relax on the grass, exchange effusions and languid gazes. What a waste of time,''''I I said skeptically.
Even if the human being at that time was in a turmoil of hormones, I really like racing at that time, after a day's work, to download a bit 'the accumulated tension.
I had just stopped for a drink of water, when suddenly a guy who was advancing on the rollers, lost control and sling 'over me, making us both fall tumbling to the ground.

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hey, but ...? You?>>
I turned to the nice guy that I had brought back a few months, surprised me for my resemblance to''aggression.''
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;No, Tom. I chose only his appearance ... I'm not him.>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Why?>> I said, but had no answer.
I continued to watch the scene that took place and that event seemed to live in a different way, watching him with other eyes.

I knew him ... until I realized.

The boy was mortified that I had invested. We apologize 'repeatedly, her cheeks on fire and then get up' the face to me.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tom?>> ... I was surprised because he knew my name? After a moment's hesitation, sgranai eyes, recognizing him.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;William?>> Mumbled and then he smiled shyly.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;How long passs? I do not remember very well be yes or no .. ten years?>> I tried to re-open the drawers of my memory
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Really ... I'm six. Since I've kissed ... ie .. mhum>> Tossi 'to clear his throat and I avvampai, the memory of my lips on hers.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;... Since we finished school.>> He corrected himself and massage 'the leg obviously hurt him because of the fall.

From a distance, William watched carefully. He had a strange way of looking at me. His eyes did fixed and traveling on my body, insistent, and transparencies.
His attitude baffles me ... but he was flirting? It was his desire? I was not sure, but just looking at him, escaped my eyes a bit 'embarrassed. His fingers were fighting each other rather than shake his lips and tortured continuously. Because I had not realized before? I remember being told of his life ... After school they had subscribed to a school 's art, but unfortunately due to lack of money had to give up to get a job.
I had given him the address of where I was, but I did not know if he had sent his data to try to get a job interview. I thought that I would not really revised and instead ...

I had met him yet, at least on this night a bit 'special.

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tom?>> The spirit of Christmas present I put 'back on my face and hands when he took away, I found myself in a nightclub.
The music was very loud, the smoke had enveloped the dance floor and people broke out. I tried Bill, in the chaos, but the dark seemed to vanish into thin air.
took for him among their divantetti the bar ... in the toilet.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Bill where are you?>> Just say the words I was finding myself suddenly in front of ice at that beautiful face that he was adjusting the mirror trick. William
make-up yet? How come that evening at the park it was lacking?
I leaned against the wall, and peered down to the smallest detail. He was so charming and his eyes were captivating.
embarrassed that I thought maybe my behavior might seem a voyeur, because he was not aware of my presence, but nonstante what my eyes could not be detached from his face and the bloody mouth, which for a while ' I .... disturbed beyond belief.
I found myself wondering if his lips had the same taste then.
At the time we were teenagers, but now we had become young men, and he was the man ... to be more 'beautiful I have ever seen my life.
I felt so strange, flooded with emotions never felt before. I had put an end to love, after years of research and mistakes, then to stay with a bad taste in my mouth ....
In those years I only had adventures, but no woman or man who was, was able to capture my heart. So why now my heart seemed to come out of my chest and resting between his fingers glazed in black?

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tom?>> My name is Bill 'and at the same time William came out of the bathroom shaking her head to accommodate the latest hair rebels.

He took my hand and open 'the door of the toilet, when closed behind us, we found ourselves in an apartment unknown to me.
was well furnished and tastefully refined and modern. The black and white were the dominant colors of the rooms. Given the choice, would be as cold environment and indeed everything was just perfect and cozy.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tom, I have reported to date. At this evening ... I want to show something. Pero 'stay cool eh?>> Smiled slyly. With my hand I point out 'the place to go and when the half-closed bathroom door, I felt the heat of the steam on the skin.
was very pleasant.

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;...>> Tom Tom ... oh ... I shook my head and small wrinkles are formed on my forehead. I was puzzled and intrigued. What was happening? Because William was calling me, when I had never set foot in that house?

My stomach was filled with a blaze of heat and my body trembled with excitement at the scene which presented itself before my eyes.
William was immersed in his bathtub body hidden under the fragrant foam. It all seemed so real ...
was extremely difficult for me to detach my eyes from his body slender, his white skin, her lips that called my name, between moans, as his hands roamed over her own body, looking of sweet sensations ... I saw him pause
between her legs to stroke, and movement, first slowly and then more and more 'quick and restless, they sway the water, making it a little squirt' out of the shower and wet your pants.
How could this be possible? It was not unreal, only an image, like a film shown?

attracted by the sensual and the body that writhed, I was excited beyond measure dangerously close to him.
My hand had stroked his face, when they parted his eyelids trembled with orgasm imminent.
I touched his neck with his fingers and could not stop me from kissing her lips gently, breathing in his essence, breathing his hot breath.

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;TOM?>> William
shelling 'eyes and you act' drowning in my surprised and frightened.
I had been discovered?
No. .. I calmed down, he could not have seen me! ... It was as if he had a reaction to my touch, as if he had been close ...

the doorbell rang and I went out to see who he was. Those who had broken this idyllic moment?
A boy, tall, blond and was quite nice in the lounge with a gift bag.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello Andy, congratulations!>> William rushed 'into his arms, wearing a bathrobe and my stomach squeezed in a vice of violence. Who the hell was that? Why The Moor had glittering eyes only to see it? I jealous?
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Will, buddy, you're always the same cuddly huh?>> The detachment 'from where', slightly, and gave him his gift.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What have you asked Santa Claus?>> The blond tease 'the dark, that's settled down a gentle shove.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I think I have asked him too.>> Down with 'eyes, blushing like a tomato.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Come on, talk! ... Though perhaps there is an idea I'd already
...>> \u0026lt;\u0026lt; ANDY!>> The shrill voice revealed the embarrassment he felt William.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So?>> He insisted the blond, laughing at the discomfort of his friend.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I asked him ... well ... see here ...>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;TOM! Why did it take so to say?>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;ANDY?>> The hits' on the shoulder with his fist.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I know very well that we have two different worlds and we never, never will be mine, but when I met him long ago, I thought really die with emotion.>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;And you telling me that every time I have to put up with the story of your erotic dreams with the guy who drives you mad?>> He shook his head, discouraged, and I I had his jaw was gaping out of proportion, stunned.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You can not imagine what 'I feel. I know him as a child. I'm loving it from day one when I saw it. Even if he has ever seen.

''not true''William! I wish he could hear me. I was a fool to not notice before.
I did not care ... But even as a boy I had repressed my feelings, blaming the hormones of youth gone mad '. After that kiss, I often lost to observe, in the gardens of the school or the bus stop and every time I felt confused and fell into a panic. Luckily the school year had come to an end, the holidays were served to completely hide my feelings. Then the years had helped me to forget ... so I thought.

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;He kissed me Andy, and it was wonderful, but then I discovered that it was all a bet and had not done so because he loved me.>> Down with 'eyes, defeated, and I was ashamed of myself.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; I always carried in my heart that day and when I saw him in that park ... Andy you believe in fate?>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Will not start again, you're still the same old sentimentalist.>> The friend around his shoulders and made him turn his face, to fix it touched.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Andy that I would kiss me again. Here's what I asked Santa Claus.>> He smiled sadly.

As I listened to those words with your heart in your throat and bowels in an uproar, he approached Bill 'and support' his hand on my shoulder.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tom is time to go.>> Go? No! I was upset, I wanted to stay, talk with William and maybe have a way to understand why his words had crept into my mind up to heat the blood in my veins, to make my heart beat very fast and ...

completely upset I went home with a devastating sense of emptiness. Nothing in my life made sense, of course I was still very young, but at twenty-one I missed not having anyone beside ... unless my life is not only expected to get me to meet the right person ... William?

************************************************ **********

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tommolo Then you do everything all alone?>> I shuddered. The room was suddenly invaded by a cold wind and his face was advancing towards me, there was nothing reassuring.

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Let's take a ride? I'm Bill, the spirit of Christmas future.>> His voice was terrified and his face, though very beautiful, I scare '.
was dressed in black with a long leather coat. His hair was combed like a porcupine. His face was pale and her makeup very heavy. Stepped back when he smiled, his fangs were so sharp that looked like a vampire. For the first time I did not say a word, and let myself be guided by that being, without protest.

I found myself in the main street of the city. Shop windows were decorated for the holidays. The people walking in the snow and choirs entertained the evening with their gospel songs.
I went to a bar when I saw William get out the door with packages and looking back at me.
My name ... the dark and took a slip clinging to me and dragging me with him '. We both found ourselves tangled
, lying on the ground covered with snow, and after second embarrassing when our eyes are avoided, William burst 'with laughter.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm sorry Tom, is not the first time eh? I am a landslide.>> We raised with difficulty and those doe-eyed stares at me, while his lips began to torture nervously.
began to stir me, but without understanding why, so I greeted him and quickly ran away from them.

''Idiot, idiot, what are you doing? Come back to him?''I tried to scream addressing myself to my ego, which in their heels and perfect coward, he was gone.

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Why scream? What are you e. .. obviously you like to be alone.>> Bill Down 'at me menacingly and grab' my arm to take me somewhere else ...
When you stop ', his body stiffens, His face became more 'hard and his voice more' cold.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;See Tom>>
the street and there were many people from carrying bottles of champagne in hand, no doubt preparing to celebrate the New Year.
I stopped under a streetlight. The snow fell soft and plentiful. Not seeing anything in particular I turned to Bill that he pointed his index skeletons.

I waited a few minutes and then I saw William running down the street, followed by Andy.

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Will you please, stop!>> The blonde was panting for the race.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Why did you say those ... because things '?>> The brown spit' in your face his anger.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Will you be my friend, and do not want to see you suffer. Open your eyes, Tom is not for you>> try 'to reason with him.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I love him, you know?>> The tears flooded her face and my heart breaks' in a thousand pieces.
ran toward the dark, I wanted to hug him, comfort him ... I was so close to him, and I could see, hear ... I was frustrated by a situation which prevented me from acting, to speak.

Suddenly I was shaken by a thud behind him and when I tried to figure out what I saw a car lose supervision by the body and finish his race William investing.

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Noo !!!>> I slumped to the ground beside him, while Andy shocked shouting with all his might, looking for help.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;WILLIAM! WILLIAM, ANSWER! Do not go!> I shouted desperately, but his eyes remained closed.
I was terribly angry, I got up and threw it on Bill, who was still at my side, attacking him with eyes of fire.

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;DO NOT DIE, DO SOMETHING!>> My fists violently struck his chest, and sailed many salty drops down my cheeks. Pain I tore up inside, his hands trembled, his body trembled, the soul is lost, and blew for the last time his name from his lips. William
''''\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I can not do anything about Tom, this is the future.>>.
The last thing I heard was Bill's voice, cool and calm.
I fell to the ground defeated and I found myself sitting on my bed, panting and sweating. The window was open, certainly had much sleep. Outside it was snowing, although at times the sun made a few appearances. I got out of bed, got dressed, and went in search of the boy who had dreamed that night, whose face was now etched in my heart.

I stood next to a bar, with the strange feeling of deja-vu''and''... it did not take me long to relive a scene very familiar.

William left the shop, but had no time to mentally anticipate what would happen, that we were on the ground.
had fallen submerged by some parcels, and his tousled hair covering one side of the face. My fingers went instinctively how to stroke his head and when scostai a cowlick to see his sweet eyes: I found him completely bewildered.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tom?>> Her hands rested on my chest moved as if detached from ', but he grabbed my wrist to crush her fingers on my chest and let him feel the rush that was causing my heart.
The confusion painted on his face made it very tender and his lips were like a magnet for mine. Made my head slowly and gave him a light kiss. Then grabbed her slender body, while the other hand I seized her neck to kiss him softly, to find again the mouth, soft and shiny. I pressed with my own, to make him squint his lips, searching for his language, his taste.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tom ... that ... are you doing?>> So whispered, blushing violently.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I kiss you, and this time not for a silly bet, but because I want to, to die.>> The dark
lunge 'her face in the crook of my neck and I am stroking' with the tip of his nose.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Merry Christmas William. Santa Claus has not forgotten you.>> I crossed my eyes with his, while the dark gasped, surprised by my words. The
lifted and hugged me.
How could I miss me so much happiness? ... Luckily it was not too late ... I would have remedied ... I had all the time.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I give Tom a cup of coffee.>> William murmured, brushing hand.
I accepted with enthusiasm to follow him, while from a side street I saw my three friends''Christmas''that greeted me complacent.
Now I knew what really mattered.

This Christmas was wonderful, the most 'of my life.

Large Mucus Discharge Out Of Nose

- Two angels heart

Title: Two angels heart
Author: lla signed
Genre: Fluff, Adult content:
Summary: A grandfather speaking to his grandson of his past life. Disclaimers
: Tokio Hotel unfortunately not my own, everything you read is a figment of my imagination and has never really happened, and also does not gain us anything.

Creative Commons License

hearts Two angels

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Opa, Opa, arise, let's open the presents?>>

Andreas's voice, sounded cheerful throughout the house.

That morning I had trouble getting up, my wife Kristen looked at me funny. I had no more 'twenties, in fact, I had already passed half a century and now after spending the phase Dredd and pigtails, I came to the stage,''and greyish hair.''
The physicist was no longer 'thin and drawn by well-firm muscles, but' I still a beautiful 'look. My better half, I threw still looks languid 's approval, despite the''handles dell'amore''che I had grown in recent years.

I have not lost any of my fame sex gott.
At least that was what I often said Kris, but perhaps he said it only because he looked at me with eyes still in love and I must say that his sweet words to me were better than Viagra.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;On Christmas ... is sleepy, and impatient as you know Andreas?>> Kris
pushed me lightly on the shoulder and I grabbed for life to give her a kiss.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Good morning love.>>

I never thought to fall in love with a woman.

when I was' young, I thought just to have fun and just the thought of marrying me horrified. Then within
'you in my life and everything changes'.
I had married at thirty, and we thank God every day to get it close and have filled my life with our children.

The door burst open 'in an uproar and Andreas will catapult' on the bed began to bounce as if on a trampoline Olympic.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Opa, the go down to open packages?>> He took my hand dragging me through the corridors and rooms to lounge in front tree.
A week earlier, had discarded the different colored balls and some characters of the piece and wood, decorated with his mother, the pine fresh.
Andy had added some candles she had prepared in class, with his young teacher, and finally in a cartoon, I left a precious object to be placed on top of the plant.

When we were kids we had with Bill created a school with gypsum and satin fabric, two angels united in one heart, was our gift for mom.
Dad had left home with that gift and we wanted to make him understand that his two sons loved it so much. Our hearts''identical''would never stop beating for her.
eyes sparkled looking back, it was all so far, but still so vivid in my mind.

The room was a bit 'fresh screanzato''and that''I had not even given time to put ciabbatte. I have thanked my rheumatism.
decided to light the way at least to warm the atmosphere, before taking a place among the gifts.
Andreas was very excited. She bit her lips, torturing the little finger and struggling with the legs all the time.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Andreas you have to pee?>> I told him a bit 'worried.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;But I'm glans Opa, I know when to pesiolino fale pee ..>> I look 'angry, crossing his little arms across his chest.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm sorry Andy, every now and Opa, the brain loses.>> I un'occhiolino's accomplice.
My nephew threw 'him, hugging and kissing on the cheek.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Opa Vedel want my attorney?>> He was shaking as he took a sheet between the branches.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Pel you.>> I removed gently
the red tape that was wrapped under the bright eyes of the child.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Opa sbligati>> I had fun putting off the fateful moment to open it. Andy was too cute when his eyes were scanning me naughty that way.
entire evening, I watched with him because his parents worked and could not get away for the holidays.
wanted to wait for Santa Claus to offer him some cookies and a little 'milk. He was concerned about the snowstorm that had been unleashed.
I reassured him, telling him that he was accustomed to this kind of climate that would go equally to all the houses, to find the children.

spent part of the night watching TV, play station with various games and Nitendo. At my age even though I had almost seventy years' I was doing quite well, we have great fun.
Then finally tired, fell asleep 'in my arms and carried it in her bed, covering it with down beside her and putting her teddy bear.

Kriss had joined us with a cup of hot chocolate, averting a moment by drawing Andy.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Opa Preview>> The boy stared at me 'waiting for my reaction.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Treasure .. but ... we ... Tokio Hotel?>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Opa Shi.>> support 'a finger on the sheet.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;See the blond with the T-shirt Vedda is Gog, Quetta is cooked with the shorts ... Guschtav him with hair standing on shpalati tio is the Bill and Quetta with the pants packaging, however if you are you.>> I smiled stroking his hair.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Opa pelco pants are so penis? Ensemble who did the shit addossho.>> My wife burst 'a laugh, and looked at her, feigning offense.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Andy, Opa put the baggy pants because I Pesciola ...>> arrival 'surprise, a pat on the head.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tom?>> Shelling Kris' eyes full of reproach.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Mhum ... Those pants were in fashion.>> Sigh 'reassured. We drank hot chocolate while
My wife opened her parcel. I had given her a framework with a collection of photos of our family since we were kids, our meeting, our children and grandchildren, leaving a small space to insert the photo that we took this holiday.
when he saw her face softened and he turned 'toward me, taking my hand.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Thank you it was everything I wanted.>>, It changes' to give me a light kiss on the lips.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Blee>> Andy grimaced in disgust as we continued to look lost in our eyes.
We returned to reality when the door rang the bell.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm going to open.>> I got up with a little 'hard work and walked to the entrance. It was definitely my brother, we celebrated the Christmas
always together \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Merry Christmas Bill.>> I hugged her.
My sister had never married, had never found the right woman because she was too absorbed in his work.
Our group was great, but he was not enough, after the various bids from the cinema, had become an actor. A great actor ... and he did his career in parallel with the music.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello tio as tai?>> Andy's project is' in her arms, making him stagger.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Watch Uncle Andy is old it could not hurt.>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;But how old? Speak for yourself!>> Bill I look 'with superiority.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Always the same old diva eh?>> Indeed it was, despite the time, he was always slender and elegant. The hair had made them shorter, scaled and frayed, but 'the black was left as the dominant color. The eyes always made up, but only with a little pencil, gave a depth to his eyes, highlighting her face white. He had not lost its charm and its magnetism, is still proving a huge success with women and men. I, too, although not openly admitted I was always fascinated by his natural charisma.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Bill want a cup of coffee?>> Kris smiled softly, she was accustomed to the presence of my brother. By young people for many years lived nearby and he used to come every day at home and be with us. Sometimes you take care of my children as if it were their second dad. It was very complicated and even the grandchildren ... a little 'too. The boys tried
when you put him in trouble at school, or when there was a bad sign by voting agenda. How many we had to argue this, but 'it lasted a little, because too complicated and we were united by a love too deep.
Kriss had been accustomed to sharing with my sister knew when we got married that he always had a special place in my life and had accepted. That's why I loved and still love dearly today.
My brother sat next to us, and smiled when Andy handed him his gift.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Pel tio me?>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Of course I hope you like it.>> The child
start 'to discard the pack with enthusiasm.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;... Oh how beautiful, will go to mettele.>> I was surprised. Bill had bought a leather jacket pants and a white, multi zIIP, along with a remote control car, the last cry.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well you think that my nephew is a mini Bill?>> I looked at him smiling. That was complete non-existent for kids, surely it had to be a tailor, tailor. When Andy returned
'my eyes lit up and my memories of the session immediately resurface in America. It was very nice with that complete, a fallen angel from heaven.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Made to look? Mhum you ... you're well Andy.>> Bill applauded, and I was surprised that those moves had yet to be enthusiastic child.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Do you have news Gus and George?>> My brother asked curiously.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Yes, of course. Yesterday I called Gustav, he told me that he had left Florence to find her missing son, married to an Italian. Georg ...>> instead began to laugh.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Georg?>> Bill I look 'strange, wanted to know what was so funny.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Georg spoke a strange language on the phone, with the s dull.>> I kept laughing while my sister began to get nervous.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So what?>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;With some grandchild days ago, went to the carnival, to bring in the ghost train''.''..>> I leaned on myself for the laughter, while Bill cross' arms across his chest.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I can laugh too?>> Roteo 'dry eyes.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;While I was holding, was a monster out of nowhere and the child for fear, he retreated with his head and slammed her head on her mouth. Bernocolo result ... a grandson and a tooth for less Hagen.>> All burst out into laughter, like the old days when we liked to tease our friend.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Opa, the Candado a canson?>> Andy was happy and took my guitar to play some chords.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Bill? What do you sing?>> I turned to my brother and I settled on a small stool.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;In die nacht, what do you think?>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Excellent choice.>>
Bill sat on the stool next to me while I started to play the instrument under the eyes ecstatic of our''small''fans.
How many times have we played this song on a stage, but each time gave off the same magic.
Bill had turned towards me, as we did at our concerts. His voice caressed the my notes, taking us into another dimension.
Suddenly I saw him lift a leg and come slamming his foot against mine.
It was stoned? He liked to mimic the gestures in the live well?
The various times he has tried to destabilize, to concerts, with his tricks, I always hoped it would get knocked down, making a fool of ugly, but instead no! Never satisfaction.
''I spoke too soon''. As soon as I finished thinking, that the nth his foot, Bill lost his balance and fell off the stool in a bad way. I could not contain the mocking laughter.
flash flash
to Andy's surprise he took the camera on the table and he took some embarrassing pictures for the''diva''. I laughed so hard that I began to feel a little pain in my stomach ..
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Stop STUPID! Help me to get up.>> Bill was red in the face.
had fallen Myth!

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;'s ready for lunch.>> Kriss call us' to take place in the dining room.
The decoration of the table was very accurate. He had a white cloth embroidered. At the center there were silver pine twigs with Christmas characters of red glass. The dishes were of the same color square porcelain, crystal glasses and flatware, silver strictly.
We sat around the table together and ate the turkey freshly baked. It was all very delicious and Andy liked to steal the pot, like a little bird, who had served the chestnuts for the stuffing of the chicken.
A quiet Christmas with his family was all 'I wanted. The day
step 'in a hurry between sghigazzi and sad moments when Andy wanted to see videos of Tokio Hotel.
was like starting in a vortex in space-time. Projected years ago where we were young and the success we filled the newspaper, including the hysterical screams, admiration and even envy the common people''and''great artists.
The desire to communicate our music had always been our''motor''and scroll all the images I warmed the soul and the heart. All the good times, bad, stressful, and embarrassing, were picking up strongly in my mind.
I looked at my niece with her eyes full of emotion. He was my pride, as all I had achieved in my life. The music, family, my brother.
I was happy.
What fools, pero '! You get too old to be dumb and sensitive ... and when Bill crossed his eyes at that very moment, even though we were two distinct persons, reflected the same light, the same strong and intense emotion ...
How often said my mother ...
''You are my angels with one heart''
would have been so until eternity ...