Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Can A Torn Rotator Cuff Cause Wrist Pain

@ 2007-04-11T22: 17:00

My first post... Actually, it doesn't make much sense, since I'm not able to introduce myself and things like that.
But, I'm not here for blabbing! I'm here fooor... *du du dum* posting fics! XD
And I'm kinda depressed because is an awesome pain in the ass and didn't make me upload my fic. ._.
Nothing else to say: I know my english sucks, but that's because I'm not English... ( kay, this is a lie. I'm italian, and even my Italian sucks. ~_~ )

series : kingdom hearts
title : sunset horizons
word count : 344
pairing : zexion/fuu
disclaimers : well, I do own kh. I'm squenix's president's daughter, afterall. ... just kidding. <.<

The first time they met, he was seven years old, while she was barely five. Neither of them started this relationship, though: one day, some running kid pushed him, and it happened the girl was right in his fall’s trajectory. So, here they were, aching, on the ground of the park.
Once both of them picked themselves up, they looked at each other for several seconds: it was surely a weird feeling, like looking in some kind of messed up mirror. Her pale lilac hair covering her left eye matched perfectly with his slate grey one, which covered, instead, the right eye. Likewise, his bluish and icy gaze supported hers, amber and flaring.
« Wanna play? — she said cheerfully, pointing at the slide. — My name’s Fuu. »
« Why not? — he smiled. — Mine’s Ienzo. »
Little by little, they managed to become best friends: walking hand in hand, Ienzo made sure the younger didn’t put herself in troubles, as Fuu obediently followed the older’s orders. Eventually, whenever she pouted and began whining, he would buy her an ice-cream, making her smile again: simple as that. Then, a few days after Ienzo’s tenth birthday, his parents told him they needed to move.
The day he left, Fuu had literally stuck to Ienzo’s left arm, whimpering and begging him not to go. With a gentle smile, he pulled her away from his arm.
« C’mon, I promise I’ll come back soon — he assured, ruffling her hair. — Alright? »
« And we’ll stay together? — she whined. — Forever, and ever? »
« Of course. — he nodded, placing a kiss on her forehead. — Forever, and ever. »
« Then I’ll wait for you! » she exclaimed, hugging him.
Seasons passed, and so did years: she waited for him, she really did. Even after six years, Fuu walked every day near Ienzo’s house, just to see if he was back. But she never saw him again, although she didn’t notice the black-hooded shadow that, every now and then, watched her through the house’s windows, a sad smile on his lips.